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Erratic Engine Idle

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Hi, just wondering if anyone has noticed that when the aircon is selected, the engine runs when the car is stationary. The graphic display shows that the engine is stopped but it is running very erratically/lumpy sometimes almost stalling. Do we think this is normal, I appreciate that the aircon compressor is electrically driven so presents a significant battery load and in turn a need for the engine to start periodically but I'm concerned that this running is not displayed on the graphic and that it is so erratic. Without the aircon selected normal idle/ engine start/stop is fine.


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I have noticed the engine starting and stopping more often with the AC on to keep the battery charge but the screen tells me the batteries are charging and my engine runs as smooth as normal if not with a slightly higher rpm than idle a result of the charging. perhaps your engine needs a service? some injector cleaner? new spark plugs?

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Thanks Jordan, that's good to know. It's the fact that when the AC is off it idles perfectly and gives the charging/engine running display but no displays & poor idle when AC selected. It normally runs on LPG so I'll try it on petrol & also mention it at the next service.

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