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  • Name: Andrew
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 3.0 (02-08)
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  1. Just so people know the bosch h409 rear wiper blade fits the 10series. Replaced mine a couple of days ago instead of messing around replacing the rubber strip again on the blade itself
  2. One of the first things I bought for my alphard was a steering wheel button adaptor, removed the head unit to access the wiring harness behind, plugged it into the only socket it would fit into and the steering wheel buttons now work perfectly 👍
  3. I had this same light start flashing when I attempted to reprogram a key, but for me the light was never on and never flashing before that but now it's always on. mine also keeps flashing when the car is locked but maybe that's normal? similar to an active alarm light would flash or blink.
  4. I think Taffy6 you may need to look into other possible issues with your car, 97fuel is super unleaded which is still E5 so it should be fine and even when using E10 it shouldn't cause an instant problem. But you can certainly tell the difference in performance when using 99 compared to 97 or 95. (you can get Shell V-power 99 if you want to be super safe) I think people are getting into their heads that E10 will instantly damage the fuel system and engine, if used all the time over a long period then some issues may occur but I think if you're just putting £10-£20 in then you should be fine and can always add 97 or 99 fuel at a later time or use Wynns e10 protector which I mentioned a while ago in a different topic about e10 fuel. What I'm expecting to see is someone to start offering replacement fuel lines/ seals for older vehicles, get new updated ones in your vehicle so it can run safely on e10 fuel.
  5. Maybe the car battery? when my battery was on it's last legs I had to unlock the drivers side sliding door by hand from inside the car. so if you have access to another battery maybe test it with that. another simple check would be fuses but I think if a fuse blew then neither side door would unlock.
  6. You would need to use nitromors paint stripper, or acid bath them or just a lot of sanding to remove all the powder coat/ paint, also powder coat is often thicker than normal paint. Once the wheels are stripped you would need to sand them and then can begin polishing and eventually get to a mirror polish shine (not chrome) but still nice. It would cost a lot of money to chrome a set of wheels!
  7. Chris.ac that's an interesting idea, I've used a few small rechargable ones for RC cars so some of those linked together might be good and they're small so like you said they can go behind a panel. I'm just wanting to power the TV and plug socket / USB in the back and perhaps mini fridge on journeys away
  8. E10 protector made by Wynn's is now available to buy from places like eurocarparts. They claim it makes e10 safe for use in any petrol engine.
  9. My 3.0 V6 revs to 1200 on start up, as soon as I select drive or reverse it drops to 1000. be glad you don't own a rotary! (my 1989 rx7 revs itself up to 4000/5000 for anything from 30 seconds to a minute and that's normal warm up procedure!).
  10. I have left and right clear LED rear lights that came on the car when I got it but sadly the lens on one is damaged. they still work but one would need repairing. my centre section lights are for sale because I imported and fitted full rear LEDs myself. have a look on ebay for parts or people breaking Alphards and selling bits and pieces, I think you should be able to find someone selling the nearside rear light on ebay.
  11. Excellent, thanks for the info, my passenger seat doesn't swivel so a normal sized leisure battery should be ok then. Cheers.
  12. Hi everyone, I've read a few topics about batteries, I'm planning to install a leisure battery under the passenger seat and presume somebody has done it before. If so please let me know the size / dimensions of the battery installed. I'm looking at 'low box' versions but wondering if normal sized leisure battery would fit under the seat. Many thanks
  13. go on the website and then into the forum, there is a section just for wheels.
  14. No worries, you should have a good chance of finding Eurolines on the driftworks private sale section. and my RX-7 is 1989 FC, I got it cheap (very cheap compared to prices nowdays) when I was 19 (i'm now 32) and due to moving abroad for work sadly it ended up sat in the garage for several years. thankfully the original rotary engine is still going strong, only 64k miles, I need to get it back on the road and start using it again but the bodywork needs sorting! if you can find a good turbo model on Japanese auction sites for a cheap price then go for it, but like you said they've gone up in price a lot! I haven't seen a cheap one for a very long time unless it's falling to pieces due to rust! you can also get away with cheaper road tax if you get an import model, kind of a loop hole (DVLA correctly classes the import as the 1.3 rotary engine, it's equivalent to a 2.4 piston engine and non import UK models get put into the 2.4 tax class!).
  15. The wheels on the white Alphard look like 'Work Ls207' but without the bolts so maybe they're a copy or slightly different model. 'Work Euroline DH' are a good option too and often available on ebay or website forums. Also 'Zauber' wheels are a close match to the mercedes amg style wheels. I myself am currently importing Enkei and AME wheels from japan, one set for my Alphard and the other for my rx-7. But these are via container which can take 2-3 months.
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