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Everything posted by NeilT

  1. We got this one: Vango - Faros II Low | 10.4kg > Awning
  2. When I got my Vellfire from Northstar on the Isle of Wight, they had loads of seats spare from conversions. They might let you have one?
  3. I can’t justify that to fill up every three weeks instead of every two but thanks for the info
  4. Thanks Kreuz, do you have a rough idea of the cost of parts and labour for that?
  5. My 2.4 does 29mpg which goes up to 33mpg on a long run. It doesn't seem underpowered to me but I'm not a speedy driver. My only criticism would be it's noisy at low speeds, especially from the outside. At least people hear you coming though.
  6. Which is about 64 miles, assuming 30mpg = 2.1g = 10litres so your range shows 0 after 49 litres. That seems similar to mine, thanks Goz.
  7. OOI why only three quarters full?
  8. Thanks Coog, I don't know if I'm brave enough to run it till it dies.
  9. I think it might be best for me to leave it at the moment as it's not a big problem, just an inconvenience sometimes but I don't do that many miles. If I get some spare time, I might investigate Torque or similar, that looks interesting. Thanks again.
  10. Thanks Chris, that's a bit better than my 43 but still a bit odd?
  11. I have a 2010 2.4 Vellfire and ever since I've had it, I can only fill the petrol tank up to just over 3/4 on the gauge before the pump clicks off. The most I've ever managed to put in is 43 litres when I'd done quite a few miles with the petrol warning light on. Given the tank is supposed to be 65 litres, that seems a bit low. Fuel consumption seems OK, I can get 33mpg on a long run. All I can think of is there is some kind of air lock in the tank or the warning light comes on too early, or both. Has anyone seen this before and/or does anyone know what the problem might be? Thanks Neil
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