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  • Name: Paul
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 240 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. That's got it. Thank you so much for your help and your patience. All fixed and looking lovely. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  2. Do I tug at bottom of the silver trim or the black trim including the lower bin?
  3. I followed these instructions but nothing was moving. Did you miss a step? Or am I pulling the wrong bit?
  4. Good advice. It's on a flying lead at the moment but I do need to do something to stop this happening again.
  5. Thanks I'll give it a go. The reason to get behind there is I have a cable coming out of the other 'hole' to connect to the head unit for android auto. The cable has gone back inside and I can't retrieve it through the hole. Thanks again
  6. I need to get behind the dash to work out why this isn't working. I can't see where to start. Any idea anyone? Detailed instructions would be most welcome.
  7. Thanks for the advice everyone and sorry for the slow response. I'm not sure what the ballast is. However, a bit of investigation and some googling suggested that it is the headlamp relay that is failing. This makes sense since both lights failed at the same time. I'll keep you updated. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. I have a 2.4 which I imported from Japan and got converted here around 3 years ago. The import took around 4 months and the conversion took another 2 months. So buying already done means you'll be enjoying your van a lot quicker. The 2.4 is far from underpowered. It is a delight to drive. I love mine. I have a gas powered heater which works really well. Diesel heaters require a separate fuel source.
  9. Every so often I have noticed at least one of my dipped headlights flickering while driving - it's difficult to tell whether it is one of both. It might happen for a minute or so and then stop. Last night while driving home, both dipped headlights stopped working. This morning I went to investigate and they were working fine. I fear this is one of those problems that will be almost impossible to investigate and wondered if anyone on here has had a similar issue and found a solution.
  10. Or take it to your local garage and ask them to plug in their scanner. You don't have to use them to make any repairs needed...
  11. Who shaves when they're camping? ๐Ÿ˜‚
  12. They are a conversation piece. I have one and have no idea what to use it for.
  13. Last questions: Where is the socket you plug it into? Do you leave it plugged in all the time?
  14. Thanks Chris. Does the BT one allow you to make changes of just to view data?
  15. I just looked for a scanner on Amazon and there are many. Which one are you using? I really want to get rid of the beep. It wakes a whole lot of people on a campsite when getting up for relief in the middle of the night. ๐Ÿ˜ถ
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