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About AndyJThompson

  • Birthday January 14

Personal Information

  • Name: Andy
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Petrol (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
  • Your Location
    Sutton Bridge

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  1. Hi everyone, a quick update. We have our Alphy back. Turns out it was a split pipe that needed replacement so not a major job after all. Best part is it’s now back on the road before tomorrows get away for the weekend. Thanks to all the posts and help. Really is great that these forums exist.
  2. We are near Kings Lynn Norfolk so not that far from Coventry. We were supposed to be going away in the alphy this weekend, maybe it should be a hotel this weekend.
  3. I have took the van in to out local garage they are never very keen when they see me turn up as it’s an import. Thank you Picasso for looking into this for me. How much would a steering rack cost me an estimate would do. Would a local garage install do you think is we provided parts.
  4. Thanks for your responses. I keep getting asked if the fluid is red or green. As my reservoir is totally empty I do not know. Could any one help?
  5. I drove it Thursday and all was fine in fact I was thinking it was exceptionally light. It had its last MOT last month. I will get some fluid and fill it up. I have see a video of someone putting fluid in seems easy enough. If we get more problems I will take it to a garage.
  6. Ok thanks, why would the reservoir be totally empty. Fair enough I could have a leak. Over time would I expect to loose fluid?
  7. Hi everyone, So yesterday when my wife was coming home after sitting in some local traffic for over an hour, she finally made it home. Reversed into the drive and the steering became very heavy. I have looked this morning and the power steering fluid is empty. Can I buy and top up? I am not a mechanic but working in engineering. Are there Alphard specific failures I should know about maybe pipes or leaks that are common to the Alphard. Any advice would be welcome. Andy
  8. Hi, I am also looking for the right rail. Which one do I need to get? New to camper and and do not know what I am looking for. Andy
  9. Hi all, I collected my Alphard this weekend and took the plunge and had first couple of nights away. The Alphard is my first camper and it was a great experience. In all the bits and bobs in a box is a key blade that fits the van. Where do I get a plastic housing and the electronics and get it programmed. if any one has done this I would be great full for a bit of direction. Andy
  10. I have just insured our 2.4 2005 Alphard and spoke to Colin at Advanced. He was great £410 fully comp UK and EU travel along with Breakdown in the UK and EU and legal protection. Was very impressed.
  11. Hi all, Great to be a member of the forum we have purchased our first camper a 2005 2.4 Alphard. Looking forward to collecting next week. If any one has any hints and tips I would be great full for any advice.
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