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aestivator last won the day on June 21 2024

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  • Name: John
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Petrol (02-08)
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  1. This is a possibility. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186372873113?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=75rXqOGzTym&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=LtHODjOIT5m&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Just remembered I had to replace mine \as it wasn't locking in properly on the motor. The actuator, when you pull the handle, can get lazy and eventually fail. Pain in the Ass but all seems ok now. Good luck
  2. I think it is the blue one. There seems to be some kind of auto correcting mechanism that adjusts it after a while. I read somewhere that turning the door off and back on again at the dash triggers it. Mine came good after a few of pen and closings. Regarding the motor. Have you replaced the whole unit? If not you may need to as they seem to very prone to the cable outers degrading and jamming them up for which there is no cure except replacement of the entire unit.
  3. Hi. Thanks for replying. Having looked at what was happening at the other door that was still working, the locking mechanism itself was working. But the whirring of the motor when it pulls the door in wasn't. Having took some guidance from another forum I bought a second hand complete unit on eBay and everything is fine. Seems like the culprit is a microswitch not activating the motor. Hope that is of use to someone, sometime.
  4. Thanks Rojie. I think he is referring to the actuator which starts the process when you pull the handle. I have aready replaced this as it was getting a bit lazy. This bit works fine. Its the end of the process when the door actually pulls itself finally shut before locking. You can here it after the beeping, there is a whirring noise and the dooe pulls in ot the locking mechanism.
  5. Hi all, I replaced both actuator motor and cable winding mechanisms on my 05 Alphard's rear sliding door about 6 months ago. After an initial clunking (see earlier post) it settled down and has been working fine. A couple of weeks ago A roll of Electrical cable slid across the floor (its a camper) and banged up against the door. Ever since then the final phase of closing where the motor pulls the rear of the door into the frame for locking has stopped working, everyhting else works fine. You have to push the door in the last cm or so by hand for it to close properly and lock Ive disconnected the battery etc but no effect. Can't see anything obvious. Any ideas?
  6. It seems that the cable seating was the problem as per Ian's post above. I jiggled it about a few times and the clunking has now stopped (been a couple of weeks now so I guess I'm in the clear). Relatively simple job to replace the cable gear and I got it from here https://gt4-play.co.uk/shop/alphard-power-sliding-door-cables-genuine-toyota Genuine part and quick service. The door actuator if you need it came from https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175754591858 More tricky to fit as there is a wierd screw arrangement that I ended up having to cut the heads off and replacing with a nut and bolt. Works fine now though. Contact me if you are doing it and I will talk you through the issue in more detail.
  7. Thanks Ian. I'm sure it is something like that. I will have a look later, I'm just about to a fit a new actuator motor so still got trim off. Thanks for your help, I will report back onced issue resolved. Regards, John
  8. Thanks Derek. I didn't realise there was a soft closing mechanism but that makes sense. I should be able to make the adjustment myself if someone knows how to do it. Looks like you are a long way from me.
  9. Hi, I have a 2005 Alphard 2.4 and have just replaced the cable and retractor mechanism due to the original one peeling off the cable coating and jamming the pulley. All seems ok in terms of the mechanism except when closing there is a loud clunking noise as the rear locking mechanism takes hold and puuls it in to the frame. It wasnt there before. Ive greased the u-bolt and what I can see but doesn't seem to make any difference. Is there some sort of adjustment I am missing. Also the power mechanism doesnt seem to activate (open or close from the outside) works fine from inside and from the dash button. Any clues?
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