Hi All
Just taken ownership of a 2006 Alphard 2.4 Auto.(waiting for registration)
I have a few wants but not sure if possible.
The Binacle is in KMH, I was supplied a little stick on mph monitor but would rather get the binacle changed..Can I?
Also the stereo is a complete mystery. It looks like there is a HD drive which is loaded with japanes songs, anyone know ow to change this or upload my own tunes. Maybe a complete new head unit but which one?
Smaller niggles, the front drivers door has controls for all the windows, however only the front windows work from here (guy I got the car from says they are all like this) The windows work from their respective rear controls. Is this an easy fix?
I did notice some of the other models have usb charhing points in the rear, I have the holes but they are blanked off (not sure if there is wiring for them)
I'm also looking for seat covers for the whole vehicle, ones I've seen on ebay only do the front and center seats.
Thanks guys for reading my ramble lol