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  1. Thanks Jesa. That sounds a very good option. One company I have already asked said that fitting a petrol heater was too dangerous! I can’t see the problem if it is professionally fitted. Donm
  2. I hope you have found someone to service your Alphard but just in case here are a couple of suggestions. We are buying a conversion from Andy’s Imports, Honingham, Norfolk. Andy is very helpful and has mentioned that he uses a garage on the Dereham Road, near Norwich it might be worth a call on 07768933521. I met someone at SLMToyota , Norwich who was having some work done on an Alphard 01603480000. Looking forward to getting our campervan by Christmas! Good luck Donm
  3. Both Erbespacher and Webasto sell 2and4 kw space heaters but I assumed they would be suitable and safe to buy and have professionally installed.Maybe the old saying about ass of you and me applies😊. I need to check. Why install one? To stop at non campsites and keep warm in autumn/ winter. Any further comments or suggestions would be welcome. Thanks Donm
  4. Thanks for your post. I have been exploring the use of a Webasto or Eberspacher small petrol unit which are described as ‘shoebox size’ but I hadn’t heard of the MV airo before. A friend suggested the small oil filled radiator when on ehu, found loads advertised but not sure yet what size or make would be best for the Alphard. My wife agrees with the ‘warm woolly jumper’ view of wjvh but I would like to find a petrol solution despite being told by a supplier that a diesel heater with an extra tank would be safer! Thanks for suggestions. Donm
  5. Thanks for making me laugh, 😬but aren’t there any other practical answers?
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