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Syed last won the day on December 25 2022

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  • Name: Sid
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Petrol (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
  • Your Location
    London, UK

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  1. Thanks will try this out tomorrow or when I next drive. I have the 4 button immobiliser key and I one fob (smart key I guess). any idea if it’s easy to get a spare smart key? thabks again.
  2. I replaced the immobiliser key (the one that goes in the ignition) the smart key is the fob only? The one without the key part? If so it might be my error as I’ve started leaving that at home with the spare key 🤣.
  3. Hi everyone, I recently made a copy of my car key using the Mini VCI cable after buying the replacement key on eBay. since adding the new key I’ve noticed my smart locking has stopped working. I may have the terminology wrong but the button on the outside on the drivers door handle has stopped locking the doors (and unlocking) any idea how to reset or sort this out? I still have the Mini VCI and software set up on a laptop. many thanks
  4. hi guys, I’ve now completed my programming of my key fully. I found a post on here which said to try this: I’m Not sure how to credit the person who’s thread it was.
  5. Hi, just wanted to give a breakdown of the costs involved in getting/programming a extra key. All costs are rounded up/down. key/shell/chip £20 key cutting £10 MVCI cable £40 remote central locking programming £free took about 2-3hours because of driver issues otherwise can be done in 10mins. all in all I think I’ve done well. Costs of replacing a lost key would have been extortionate because I didn’t have a spare. I hope this helps anyone looking for something similar.
  6. Hi guys, I’ve managed to successfully program my key to start my car ☺️ was a bit rocky but got there in the end. the most challenging part was the driver. Techstream does not recognize the driver and you have to install in manually. maybe someone can help me to program my buttons on the key? Key starts the car but wont lock or unlock the doors 😂 thanks.
  7. I’ve had a go couple of times now but for some reason not quite there yet. the program is having trouble connecting to the ECU… there are so many tips (almost too many) online about what it could be but I will keep trying. eBay seller is very helpful and given me a new set of license keys so I can install Techstream on a better laptop.
  8. Will try this. thanks
  9. This is absolutely correct. Can’t remember which year they changed this but if I’m not wrong all Japanese imports come under the same tax bracket. This means the Alphard and the Prius pay the same amount in road tax. 😆
  10. Hi, do you have a step by step guide by any chance? I’ve ordered the cable and once it arrives will have a go. I have a couple of friends who are very tech savvy IT pros so if all fails I’ll be calling on them to come over 😁 thanks for your input. Will be back with updates.
  11. Ok I’ve ordered this now. will update once it arrives and I have a go 🥲 I might be back for help on here 😀 thanks everyone for your input.
  12. I did read something about this… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124808047632?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=e2zvldr0qu6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=YeAcnxq1Saq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY is it this cable by any chance? thanks
  13. Hi guys, I have a 2008 Alphard 2.4 and it only came with 1 key and I’d rather have a 2nd than have to fork out a lot of money if the only key goes missing. bought a replacement key off eBay and have had it cut. It goes in the barrel and works fine but engine won’t start. I’m guessing this is the transponder issue? anyone know how I can program the transponder in the new key? I’ve found a few different versions of this but can’t seem to find the correct one and I’m not doing the sequence correctly. any help would be much appreciated.
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