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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by FrenchDJ

  1. Hello Fred, Can you confirm your year and engine type and I will see what I can do. Is the climate control panel operating? Are there any other failure symptoms eg parking sensors, rear screen demister, heating. Please reply to david@french.me.uk Thanks David
  2. Hello Shabir, I can supply diagrams for you, scanned and translated from the Japanese wiring diagram. This is over 400 pages long so you need to help me select the correct sub set. Perhaps you could email me at david at french.me.uk
  3. OK, I have scanned and translated pages 3-172 to 3-182 thats 11 pages as png images each about 1M size. Printing is not a very good way to use the diagrams, best to look on screen so you can easily zoom is as the print size is very small. You can get the pictures at : https://photos.app.goo.gl/ghabZHui6bDmqaAdA I will remove them in a week or so. Good luck David
  4. Hello, Which diagram best describes your setup Audio (radio <6 speakers>) 3-122 Audio (Wide Multi AV Station <6 speakers>) (~03.7) 3-124 Audio (Wide Audio (Wide Multi AV Station) 6 Speakers) & rear LCD TV (~’03.7) 3-132 Audio (Wide Multi AV Station <10 speakers> & Rear LCD TV (~’03.7) 3-142 Audio (Wide Multi AV Station <6 speakers> (’03.7-‘05.4) 3-154 Audio (Wide Multi AV Station <6 speakers> & Rear LCD TV (’03.7-’05.4) 3-162 Audio (Wide Multi AV Station <10 speakers> & Rear LCD TV (‘03.7-’07.6) 3-172 Audio (AVN & Live Sound System <6 speakers> & Rear LCF TV (’05,4-’07.6) 3-184 Audio (AVN & Super live sound system <10 speakers> & Rear LCD TV (’05.4-’07.6)3-192 Audio (AVN & Live sound system <6 speakers) & rear LCD TV (’07.6~) 3-208 David
  5. I have the Totota official Japanese electrical wiring diagrams for the Alphard G and V 2002-2005 and on until 2008. It is bound into a book and I am scanning it page by page and translating it to produce a graphic file for each page. I dont want to break up the book as it cost a lot to source and have shipped back to the UK. As my vehicle is 2003 I have been concentrating on the sections for the 2002-2005 options. If someone has a problem and needs the diagrams and I have already translated the relevent pages, I can email them. If I havent scanned the required pages yet then I can do it for them and build up the set that way. I dont currently have any plan to do the entire book as a "project" without an express requirement. I have translated about 100 of the 481 pages so far. Ive attached a sample page from the A/C section David
  6. Hi Steven, I have full Japanese wiring diagrams for 2002 - 2008 ANH1# and MNH1# and I have translated much of it to English. I have mainly concentrated on the A/C and engine and I havent yet translated the body and lighting but I could do those sections for you if it can be narrowed down a bit. (The full set is about 400 pages long!!) Ive attached the index to the wiring schematic pages. Can you identify those you need? I would also need to know the frame code and year Cheers David Diagram-3-1.pdf
  7. I have translated the Japanese text into Engligh for many of the wiring diagrams for the ANH1# models 2002 onwards. This was to help me debug the A/C on my 2004 Alphard ANH15. If anyone is stuck and needs something to help please get in touch and I may be able to help.
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