So I adore my 2005 Alphard. I've had it for about 3 years now. It has been reliable, comfortable and anyone who rides in it is shocked and surprised that it is a nearly 20 year old car. All our friends call it the party van and we have travelled the length and breadth of the UK in it. Obviously I gloss over the MPG when asked.
Maintenance has been pretty straightforward and she always starts, no matter how long she has been ignored.
I think this car is a testament to the quality of Toyota vehicles in general.
BUT, what is the deal with the passenger side fuse box!!!! I managed to blow the fuse for the sliding doors (entirely my own fault) and that is the one furthest forward and to the left. Is this some massive joke in the Toyota design dept "We are going to build one of the best, funnest cars ever, but just wait until they have to replace one of the more common user-replaceable parts (evil snigger)".
I have now unscrewed most of the left hand dash, unplugged most of the wiring loom and with a bit of manoeuvring that any contortionist would be proud of (especially for a bloke my size) I can just about touch the required fuse with a fingertip.
I hope to God, that when my selection box of fuse pullers arrives tomorrow I can find some combination of head/torch/hand/puller that will do the trick, I'm gonna have to pull some David Copperfield s**t, because there ain't enough room for all of them in the foot well!
If anyone has any helpful hints or tips for this that don't involve shedding most of my limited sanity I would be forever grateful.