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  • Name: GARY
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Hybrid (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Thanks, Scotland is a bit far to ship it I haven't got much of a budget to play with. Mark was supposed to come to me when it first broke down but after 8 weeks I gave up and sent it to Coventry (That cost over £300 in transport costs that is why I think Scotland is out) I have been on their website many times as I go round and round and round trying to find someone. Thanks for the replies to you both.
  2. Hello can anyone help me? My HV battery went on my alphard in February 3 lights on dash red hybrid car amber brake and vsc, I shipped the car to jap spares in Coventry and had the HV battery repaired. All was good until the lights came back on a few months later so I shipped the car back to Coventry but when he plugged it in he said the code was saying something like Transaxle which he said was the hybrid gearbox. He said that he didn't know anyone that could replace it and shipped it back to me. The problem I have got is another 30 monthly payments of £140, and the car has been sitting on my drive for 2 months now because I just can't find anyone to replace the gearbox . I live in the Northampton Milton Keynes area, dose anyone have any idea where I could try. Thanks
  3. Thanks have spoken to Mark and he is coming as soon as he has a chance.
  4. My log book says the same ,I have just checked my reg at GOV.UK (drive-clean-air-zone.service.gov.uk) and it is exempt from all charges in all zones.
  5. Hi is there anyone who would know somewhere near Northampton or Milton Keynes that could repair my hybrid?. I am guessing that it is the battery. It has the VSC light is on as well as the yellow circle with an ! on it, and the hybrid light (red car with ! on it) Car just stopped while driving and would not restart. It can be started by disconnecting the 12v battery and reconnecting it, But after this it will show one bar on the hybrid display and the car will start charging the H V battery and will charge past the normal 3 bars and fill the fourth after this the lights will return on the dash and it will stop. If let it charge to 3 bars and drive it . The battery will deplete and recharge from 1 to 4 bars very quickly .The display will stop showing the energy from the wheels to the battery and from the battery to the wheels on the display, Then the lights come back on and the car stops. I am having real trouble finding anyone local to me to repair it. Can anyone help?
  6. Hi can anyone help me to find the fuse for the audio, I have checked the two boxes under the bonnet and the drivers side. I have removed the lower glove box on the passenger side but can't find a fuse box.
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