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  • Name: Andy
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Petrol (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Just got a second hand Fabbri BICI OK for 2 bikes. Fits great and looking forward to some bike trips without wrecking the interior!
  2. Hi, my driver's side speaker cone has gone and I need to replace it. Has anyone been on this road before me? As far as I can tell the speaker is 4 ohms and 20-22 watts, 6.5 inches (17cm) The code on the spec diagram is 86160 (as per an older post) but this has no suffix. The code for the speaker I have taken out is 86160-2B580 but looks a bit crap (a very small rear coil) and I think this may have originally been from a Rav4. Codes for spekers online range from: 86160-22890 ­86160-58060 - I think this is the standard one ­86160-58061 ­86160-22860 ­86160-22790 ­86160-22770 The Rav4 will fit as will some of the land cruisers (I glean). I have a low budget so don't want to spend over £30-40 on it. Any ideas? Thanks!
  3. Thank you. My confidence levels in this system are now good. Will definitely go for one (pending a tow bar fitting at some point)
  4. Thanks for letting me know. This seems like the solution!!! Whoop
  5. Hey, people that have posted they have rear bike carriers. Have you done any long journeys yet? Do you still recommend them? @kroniksan @Birchpeter @BGC @CBBrundall thank you
  6. Had an LPG conversion a few months ago and not looked back. The more people get it, the more it’ll be needed.
  7. Ok… LPG fitted a month ago (£1600) and now costs max of £50 to fill up (and smugly getting fuel easily while others are queuing). I use the van as my day-to-day so really helping with the weekly budget. No difference in power. Love it.
  8. So.. i bought a pet hammock off Amazon (£24) which protects seats and fittings whilst hiking on hand holds and head rests - a slab of memory foam cut to size (£33) and covered with a duvet cover (£0) and will bridge the gap between the seats with a bit of wood or fill the gap with a cool box and we’re good to go!! Thanks for the encouragement!!
  9. I have 3 near me. One 7 miles away the others about 12 miles away. Fortunately they’re all on routes that I take regularly. It’s a good point though.
  10. Thanks so much both, your replies are reassuring! I have the LPG conversion booked for Wednesday. We’re using the van as our main day to day car so hopefully see a return on investment before too long. With the crazy prices right now it may not be a bad thing.
  11. Hello, Picked up our camper last week (2.4l petrol) and looking to get an LPG fuel conversion to make it more cost effective to use everyday. What’s everyone’s experience? Will it save me money? Thanks in advance
  12. Hi Immy, I’m having an LPG tank fitted in a few weeks. What are you going to do about having a spare?
  13. Thanks for the responses! I will indeed. Will check out the suggestions too.
  14. Hi. Total newb here. Picking up our Alphard camper conversion in a week or so. Just sorting out sleeping arrangements. I’m thinking of getting a bed to go across the front seats for my youngest . Any recommendations? Thank you (something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Childs-Front-Cab-Bed-VW-Transporter-T4-T5-T6-Can-Make-Fit-For-Most-Vans-/233582396976?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 )
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