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Damo_Oz last won the day on October 27 2024

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About Damo_Oz

  • Birthday 02/27/1973

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  • Name: Damian
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 350 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Mine is a 2009 20 series. I think they're the same.
  2. I have been there and tried everything. Nothing but dead ends so I bought a 12.1 inch Tesla style head unit from Ali Express with 128gb of ram. It replaces both the standard unit along with the A/C controls. It's not as complicated to install as you might expect. I did it myself and when I ran into problems, the factory engineer helped me via WhatsApp and it works great. It has a proper GPS antenna and a sim card slot so you can essentially use it as you would a Tablet and it has 2 WiFi antennas so your passengers can connect to it too. Cost about $900 AUD inc postage.
  3. AU $4.17 36%OFF | Car USB Interface Socket Charger Adapter and USB Audio Input Socket for TOYOTA Hilux VIGO With USB Audio 5V 2.1A USB Socket https://a.aliexpress.com/_m0HpNn2
  4. Same here, the 100v Japanese power outlets were useless to me so I replaced them with 2 x dual USB outlets. They look good and most importantly, they work!
  5. Thanks. To be completely honest I really don't know exactly what it does! I do know that without it, I couldn't finish the install. There was a week delay between receiving the head unit and the box. I tried to get it working without it and......no go!
  6. After months of waiting for the Alphard to get to AUS from Japan with shipping delays in late 2021 and compliance plate shortages here we got the Alphard on the road. One major thing was an issue from the beginning........the original head unit with CD, DVD, etc. All in Japanese and constantly chatting about who knows what! After hunting around and getting advice from my Bro in-law who owns a Car Audio installation business interstate we decided upon this unit: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003522580371.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.60cf1802EZPwgG which had to be installed with an optical box or it simply would not work: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003953692442.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.60cf1802EZPwgG Seemed easy enough but be warned, it is not simply a "plug n play" unit. There are way more cables supplied with these units that you will need due to the variations between Alphard variants. After much foul language and frustration I was tempted to just pay someone to finish the installation but contacted the supplier on Ali Express who put me in direct contact with one of their Factory Engineers. He was outstanding and even though there was a bit of a language barrier we had several back and forths via Whatsapp exchanging photos of what I had and him sending photos of what it should look like, there were a few things I got wrong. I did my best but these things do not come with instructions! I highly recommend one of these but be warned, the easiest part of the install is removing the trim, fascia panel and original head unit. If you do go down this rabbit hole and you get stuck, don't be like me and spend weeks trying to figure it out solo! As you will see from the pics, it's a tad fiddly but wow, it looks and works brilliantly!
  7. All good, I figured it out and it's all working. For future reference, the blue wire is negative and the green is positive.
  8. I've reached this point but can I ask which wires you connected? Blue and green from the original wiring to red and black on the new USB outlets. I can't find a definitive answer online as to which of the original wires is ground and active.
  9. I've reached this point with my 2009 Alphard and I'm stumped as to what I'm supposed to do to bypass the inverter under the driver's seat. I've read this post a few times and I think perhaps there is some detail missing. The usb plugs are in place of the original 100v plugs and how do I power them now? Do I remove the inverter altogether? What do I do with the wiring? My apologies if I sound like a dimwit!
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