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  1. Hello again Alpharders. I’m gradually getting to grips with the multitude of issues involved in the purchase of an Alphard but I can’t seem to find definitive answers to the following questions: 1. The towing capacity off the 3L model and whether this varies between 2 & 4 wheel drive. I want this because I’m planning swapping my current tow car to an Alphard so I can have the best of both worlds. The caravan os 1600kg. 2. Road tax. Is it £280 for all in the 2002-2008 model years or does it increase after 1st April 2006? Admins, on other car forums I’ve been a member of many have pinned wikis for frequently asked questions. May I suggest you consider having a similar facility on this forum to save searching through multiple posts? thanks J
  2. Hello Alpharders. I want an Alphard camper but first I have 2 questions. 1. where can I get spec details for Alphards? I’ll probably go for a series 1 up to 2006 to get the lower road tax but the are certain toys I definitely want such as cruise control, rear camera (hate those add on mirrors) and auto close rear hatch for example. We’re these available as options or on different spec levels? 2. for those of you who have campers already, did you buy them completed or buy the car then get it converted yourselves? There seem to be a lot of companies doing it. I want a side pod with larger bed and pop top. Thanks in anticipation of your comments. J
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