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  • Name: Josh
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 240 (08-15)
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  1. Well, I have something that fits “LEXUS CT200H COMBINATION SWITCH STALK 1.8 HYBRID 8414042111 8465248190 2014-2020” Unfortunately it is not a simple plug and play. While the connectors were the right blocks, it would need rewiring and think that’s a little beyond my skills! Hey ho…
  2. Hi Chris and Kristoff. Thank you both for replying! I’m sorry not to acknowledge sooner, but I hadn’t checked back for a while. Chris, I will take a look at those parts and compare to the ones we have. I don’t think we have the fog lights on the existing stalks. Thanks again, Josh
  3. Hi. We’ve had our Alphard for about 6 weeks now and really enjoying it. Has anyone seen any posts about whether it is possible to swap the indicator stalk from the right side to left side of the steering wheel (and the wipers to go the other way)? Is there any aftermarket option? I think that other Toyota models in the UK/EU do have them with the indicators on the left, but not sure if any of them might work with the ECU on the Alphard. It would be amazing if anyone had any pointers. Many thanks, Josh
  4. Also, has anyone ever tried to swap the indicator and wiper stalks over? Is there any aftermarket option to do this? (I’ve had a search and not found anything). We also have a Mercedes automatic and the right hand stalk in that is for selecting drive/neutral/reverse. My wife and I keep putting it into neutral when we’ve been using the Alphard for a while!!
  5. I’ve just fitted cruise control to my 2010 Alphard this evening after reading this post and watching the videos… it took me about 30 mins to do and I am no expert with this sort of thing. It is such a good upgrade and was only about £13. Here’s a link to the part https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/184954212553?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=GlRjB-iQTh6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=3wBgwBhwQfK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Something that would be great to have is a proper dust cover for the stalk rather than trying to drill through the existing one. I don’t suppose anyone has a link to buy the right part?
  6. Thanks Dave. That’s all really helpful stuff. Sorry for not replying sooner (I didn’t realise it wouldn’t send an alert). I will keep an eye out for you in Southampton! J
  7. Hi Dave, I spotted your post and wondered you managed to get the brakes to improve? We’ve recently picked up a conversion and I’ve been thinking the same as your original post here; they are fine, but you have to press pretty hard if you need to stop fast. I then spotted you are in Southampton; us too! Did you get the bottom half wrapped? Are you pleased with it and could I ask where you had it done? Many thanks! Josh
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