I hope this is useful to anybody thinking of converting to LPG. I have a 2004 G 3.0 V6 converted as a campervan & have been running on LPG for about 3 years. LPG conversion cost £1600 all in using a Zavoli system. It took the guy a while to get it tuned to perfection and it sings along, very smooth running & absolutely no loss of power. I get an average of 4 miles to the litre on LPG & 6 miles to the litre on super unleaded. The tank is 50L mounted in the spare wheel well. I usually get between 40-46 litres depending on ambient temperature. The most I've filled is just over 48L on a really cold day. I'l get a range 170-180 miles of mixed driving but on a long run with constant cruising at a steady speed at around 2500 revs the most I've managed is around 140 miles. The price of LPG has rocketed, when I first started it was around 52p, it's now 91p. The general availability of LPG has reduced in recent years, so a long journey requires planning. I can recommend 2 apps, FilLPG & AutogasApp. They both rely on user input for updating & are pretty consistent. One thing I would do diferently next time is have a 120 litre tank installed prior to camper conversion, or if keeping as an suv behind the rear seats. Ths would mean being able to fill with approx 100L giving a potential range of over 400 miles.