I've got a 2002 V6 AWD, and I'd do anything to get the fuel consumption up a bit - consistently delivers 17 mpg.
So with that in mind, given the option I would go for the 5 speed.
Also, just remember that "crazy low" mileage is not always a good thing. I've found that stuff tends to break more when it's not used for long periods or not allowed to get up to full operating temperature etc compared to one that's driven and maintained regularly. Even say 64000km at that age is an average of less than 40 miles a week. The car is 20 years old, so lots of mounts, rubbers etc will age perish anyway, so make sure they have all been changed, likewise with the timing belt.
I guess what I'm saying is don't let the milage be the deciding factor for you. Drive them both and see which one you prefer.