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  1. Does anyone know if the skirting if removed would spoil the look of the car
  2. Thanks for getting back. Sorry to hear of your illness. I have been looking for an Alphard with end kitchen for weeks and I must admit it would not have been long before I gave up. I live in Somerset and I know you are having difficulties posting some pics, I would really appreciate if you could bend someone’s arm as it is rather a long way to come for it not to be the one. hope to hear from you in anticipation cherrypicker.
  3. Sorry. I didn’t your mail properly, it is a camper I see what colour is the vehicle. Thanks again.
  4. hello quench. Are you looking to sell? Is it a Campervan? If you have any more information I would like to hear from you. thanks.
  5. Would any one on this forum know where I could see an end or side conversion. Is there a garage/car dealer that has any ready to go Alphard campers with kitchens fitted in Somerset. Need help.
  6. Thanks for replying. I am having an end kitchen fitted and also toying with having lpg fitted as I believe the 3.0 can be a bit thirsty although not overly concerned about mpg.
  7. got my insurance quote, got my money sorted and seen two alphards with conversions I like. One is 04 2.4 the other is 04 3.0. Advice/ opinions gratefully accepted..
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