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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

Pete Ansell

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Everything posted by Pete Ansell

  1. Hi, one of the beautiful things about the Alphard is the quality of the interior, so I would advise against stripping it out. I converted my Alphard into a campervan by removing the back and central left seats and putting a platform that works as a low cooker and sleeping platform. Cost me about £1000 and works a treat. My friend bought a stripped out conversion and it cost her £26,000 and is rubbish.
  2. Yes, I'd be really interested to know if anyone has managed to work out how to copy a CD to the hard disc on the sound system. I have an 06 Alphard Hybrid - great sound system, but the hard disc only seems to have Japanese pop music on it. Was this preloaded when the car was new, and can it be deleted and replaced with my own music selection? Pete
  3. I have a 2006 Alphard Hybrid, brake fluid is low. What fluid should I buy to top it up?
  4. I've just got into the habit of switching the "unlock doors" button every time I park up and am going to want to get into the back or my partner wants to get out.
  5. My 2006 Alphard Hybrid is starting to have a minor problem with the automatic transmission - it often appears disengaged when you first take off (racing engine with very little traction) before settling down, and there appears to be a slight loss of power transmission. Any suggestions, especially if you know of a garage that would be willing to take a look at it in the NW England area.
  6. So it looks like I need a specialist Alphard dealer to sort out the Odometer. Any suggestions (I live in Lancaster)?
  7. Hi, I just bought a 2006 Alphard Hybrid, and have quickly realised that the odometer reading is stuck (it hasn't changed since I bought it), even though the Trip A and Trip B readings work just fine. Someone told me that changing the Odometer from its Japanese km setting to British miles setting can cause problems, so maybe the answer is to reset it to kilometers. Any ideas about how I might be able to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
  8. It's a 2008 model, side conversion, with side-lifting pop-top, and has done about 55,000 miles.
  9. My friend bought a converted Toyota Alphard Hybrid from JAL imports. It cost her £26,000 and she feels she has been ripped off. The storage space is badly designed, and certainly does not maximise the available space. The pop-top roof is incredibly heavy and almost impossible to lift by yourself. But the worst design fault is the water system - there is a sink with a tap, but you have to connect an external pump to an external water source to make it work, ie you need to carry a large jerry can of water (no storage space provided), then put the can outside the van on the ground and connect it all up just to get a bit of water out the tap to fill the kettle!!! Also the guy who does the conversions (Phil) is very bad at communicating, can be quite rude, and is very economical with the truth when you ask straightforward questions.
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