When I did this, the seller asked for photos of the back of the old unit. There were adapter cables that came with the new unit. But it was slightly concerning that several of the old cables were not needed so were left just hanging there. It all worked perfectly though.
Maybe send your photo to the supplier and ask for adapters.
And, just like that, started the van yesterday and loads of hot air from the front vents. No idea why, after hours and hours of filling/running/driving trying to sort it. What I did notice was the coolant was down to minimum, so maybe the airlock in the heater matrix had randomly cleared and swallowed a load of coolant. Cold weather over the last couple of weeks shrunk the air bubble, maybe?
I had similar happen to me a couple of months back. The cause was a tiny pinprick on the radiator matrix. A drop of coolant appeared on the surface of it when the engine was hot and pressurised. That was enough to mean the coolant needed to be topped up every week. I don't like the stuff, but I used radiator weld and it's cured the problem (maybe temporarily?)
As an aside, I still haven't been able to get the front heater to produce heat; the rear one gushes it - so no real deal. There's a sticker on the radiator that says to open the bleeder on the side of the radiator but I can't find it. I've tried putting the vehicle on a steep hill and running the engine without the rad cap and expansion tank cap, but no joy....
Easy to remove - Ebay has videos. I have messed with electronics for 50 years and I didn't find installing the new one too easy. I installed this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002717835170.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.7.541ef19cnMpIP7
Radio, music player, gps, emails, phone interface - everything you could ever need. In actual fact it's an android touch screen tablet. You might find there is a straight radio replacement if that's all you want.
I changed the head unit a few weeks ago. Bought the replacement from Aliexpress, specifically the EKIY store. Not for the faint hearted I would say, but plenty of videos on Youtube. I went for a Ekiy unit because of decent customer service. They ask for a photo of the bare rear of the existing head unit (there are various different ones fitted) so they can send you the proper connecting leads. Took several weeks to arrive, but really cheap and seems well made. Fitted the dash well. I can give extra info if you're interested.
I found the headlight lenses very opaque, but the light level seems ok even so.
I'm in the UK, btw.
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