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  • Name: Maq
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 240 Hybrid (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Hi, How did you get it sorted?
  2. No My car has been off the road for a year now.
  3. My local Toyota garage found me the exact like for like 12 battery for around £235. Panasonic. Battery voltage without car start is around 11.7v
  4. My engine cuts out after around 10mins when warning lights come on the dashboard!
  5. Hmmm... I'm getting same issues. Mine is 2012 model. What made you buy techstream software?
  6. Interesting. I'm having similar symptoms. Mechanic is struggling. How did you get this diagnosed?
  7. Did you make any progress?
  8. Did you make any progress?
  9. Did you make any progress?
  10. What's the best place to get a replacement HV hybrid battery,?
  11. Did you get this resolved? I'm getting same 😑
  12. hmmm...it's quite possible. But how do I resolve this issue now that I have already replaced the the original battery?
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