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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by Bonefish

  1. Hi guys. Im having a right mare and really need some help. I bought a toyota Alphard 3 months ago and love it. (2004 2.4) However, on purchase the garage promised as part of the deal, a decent replacement stereo head unit that would give me DVD, GPS, Radio, USB etc etc, plus rear cam and wheel controls. 3 Months on and its still not done. They have apparently tried 3 diff uk head units but told me they are too long and dont fit (stick out 3 inches apparently), but havnt told me any makes or models they tried. Can you please advise me what head unit to use, and will definitely fit? Pioneer seem good and its the brand that is in there now. I dont want apple play, but I do use an Android so dont care if its got that. Im fine if adaptors are needed to keep rear cam and wheel controls working too. Praying you can help. Had my 15th (yes, 15th) visit to the garage this evening 😞 but still no joy. Many thanks.
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