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  1. Revisiting my pictures from up-thread when I still had a centre console, there's the long rod you can see at the back of the battery, and then I think another similar at the front, accessed from pulling up the rubber grommet thing in the centre console box - undo both and away you go.
  2. IIRC the battery is strapped in place. You just need to undo the bolts 'strapping' the battery down, then you can disconnect it and slide it out, then slide in the replacement - it's a bit fiddly but you don't need to dismantle the centre console. I would provide better detail but my Alphard has now been converted and the aux battery is now in a non-standard location, so I'm working off year old memory.
  3. Hi, As per the pics above, you can definitely trickle charge the 12v system by attaching to the points shown in the photos. The hybrid battery though isn't setup for external charging unlike newer plugin hybrids. :\ Tim
  4. Thanks for the reply Due to running about 3 months to the gallon currently, I've been procrastinating and not got around to action on this, but I'm now looking seriously into going over to a smol lifepo4 aux battery here for size and weight decrease (and commonality in chemistry with the service battery that'll be going in for the conversion) , as despite only running 11v the car runs fine - a dramatic comparison with the prima donna diesel Saab sat next to it which will not accept anything but a top class high cranking amps battery in perfect health. If it were doing any serious cranking the lifepo4 would be right out, but I did a little look into it and on the hybrid the hybrid battery supplies the beefy amps for turning the engine over, so I suspect the aux battery never really gets a big current draw. Before I pull the trigger on it, I need to strip out the centre trim and run all that I can think of whilst monitoring the current draw on the existing battery to be sure. Still ... it keeps me off the streets!
  5. @MonsterS any suggestion on a UK sourced battery? I've still not dealt with my 11v battery as I'm currently running the vehicle at about 3 months to the gallon, but I ought to get mine replaced before I engage on any significant use of the Alphard (e.g. Driving down to the Isle of Wight to get my much delated elevated roof fitting when I'm allowed). (see upthread for my mumbling musings on the batteries that came up when I dug around online) Thanks Tim
  6. Photos as promised. Under the big red plus is where you connect your pos lead, and the usual iirc with negative to a good metal place on the chassis. (better instructions for the genetal case https://www.whiterivertoyota.com/blog/how-to-jump-start-a-toyota-hybrid-vehicle/amp/)
  7. there is a jump lead connection point in the engine bay. I'll nip out and take a picture shortly if no one beats me to it. I left a bluetooth odbc dongle connected over christmas and ran my aux battery down, so I know its there
  8. Thanks for the pointers. I did indeed find my 12v battery. In typical fashion whilst looking for replacements I even found a photo guide to hybrid battery servicing that also showed where I should have been looking. Leads to my next dumb question ... anyone have a good suggestion for an appropriate replacement? The 'proper' part according to the epc-data site is a Panasonic N-S55D23R, but my best online searching is only coming up with them from Australian sites, which doesn't really work. Amazon claims the likes of https://www.amazon.co.uk/Yuasa-YBX5005-Performance-Starter-Battery/dp/B00KNQT7FU will fit my car, but I've learned to take that with a pinch of salt already. Alternately Tayna have a good match https://www.tayna.co.uk/car-batteries/jis/55d23/ , but its out of stock. The main element that bothers me is the gen battery is built for living in the 'indoors' (aren't we all, right now!), with a vent pipe fitting for offgassing, whereas are these other batts? Any hints would be appreciated before I go buying things and dismantling my center console to get the battery swapped out
  9. I picked up a 110v induction hob from the states when I was over there which works great off the 100v inverter. When things pick up again and I can get back onto the conversion, I'm planning to get a 2 ring induction hob from Japan via amazon and fit that rather than a gas hob. Just be aware the inverter has a 1500w limit so you can't chuck in your usual 2.2Kw induction hob (what the US hobs are mostly) - Japan seems to have a wide selection of <1500w 2 ring induction hobs. I'm told US/Japan microwaves are also a good choice
  10. Thanks - will go spelunking in the morning - I've been looking here - https://toyota.epc-data.com/alphard/ath10w/32238/electric/8431/ , but the section with the 12v battery didn't give any useful clue to the page, and I made the (foolish) assumption it was likely to be vaguely similarly locate on ATH10 and ATH20.
  11. Hi all, Appealing to the brain trust here before I go nuts stripping the trim on the alphard. I need to replace the aux battery on my 1st Gen Hybrid, as the poor old thing barely gets up to 11 volts. However I've struck a silly issue. Where the heck is it hiding! I thought I was all prepared as I have the dismantling guide (https://www.crown-motors.com/tch/corpinfo/RBRP/images/Hybrid Vehicle Dismantling Manual for ATH20 - Alphard HV.pdf) but I see now its for the 2nd gen, and when I go looking in the place I'd assumed was the aux battery location on the LHS, there's nowt but a small electrickery box, and on the RHS, I foresee 'fun and games' of trim removal to get to what's behind that grill, which I find puzzling if that's where the aux battery is. If someone could help out a puzzled fellow alphard owner, and point me in the right direction, that'd be great. Tim p.s. This - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Yuasa-YBX5005-Performance-Starter-Battery/dp/B00KNQT7FU seems to be the preferred replacement battery if I'm googling successfully, as the hits I get based on the EPC part number are all for Australian sources (e.g. https://www.centurybatteries.com.au/resources/battery-finder/product/battery/s55d23r/info)
  12. Excellent choice
  13. I've recently taken imported a similar age hybrid, and am in a somewhat similar situation to yourself, but with the additional complication of needing the original functionality in the head unit for all the Hybrid malarky. There are definitely plenty of Android head units that you should be able to hook in at least to the reversing camera and wire in to the rest of the existing controls etc. Alternatively, if you don't mind the Japanese, you could drop in a band expander and get your favourite FM stations on the existing head unit - Or if better bluetooth etc is more your thing, the route I'll probably be going down is an add-on for Android Auto/Apple CarPlay such as this (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SUNE-TECH-Universal-Apple-Carplay-Android-Auto-Box-with-USB-player-Music/293026393698), though I'll first be seeing if I can homebrew it using a Raspberry PI and the Video In on the center console.
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