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  • Name: John
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Petrol (02-08)
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  1. Thanks, I was not optimistic but in view of recent press comment it did seem worth an email to Toyota uk - and their response was sufficiently confusing for me to share it here.
  2. I contacted customer support at Toyota Uk as follows: "Your site says "Petrol cars that meet the ULEZ standards are generally those first registered as new with the DVLA after 2005, although cars that meet the standards have been available since 2001" My Alphard 2.4 petrol auto first registered in Japan 1.3.2005, imported to uk in July 2022 Classed as non ulez compliant by tfl. Apart from the above quote I have read in the press that some Toyota ( and others) vehicles made from 1999 to 2005 meet EU 4 emission levels and owners should ask the manufacturer for a Compliance Conformity Certificate, how do I do that with Toyota please?" Their response includes; "As your vehicle is an import, we would not hold any data on this and no Certificate of Conformity will be available for any vehicle originating from outside of Europe, this document does not exist in any non-European jurisdiction. Japan do not test for emissions so there is no data that can be collated for this document, and they will not have this available. " "As no Certificate of Conformity will be available for your vehicle, it is likely that an Individual Vehicle Approval certificate (IVA) will be required, and this can be arranged through The Driving Standards Agency (DVSA) " http://www.gov.uk/vehicleapproval I went back to them to query that last para, which doesn't seem to me to be relevant to Ulez compliance, but they simply repeat it. What am I missing?
  3. Hi Chris. I also have a 2005, an auto, 2.4 petrol, a motor caravan conversion. In the 5 months since purchase I've become entirely reliant on both front and rear sensors. i have an awkward exit from my driveway which would be quite an issue without them. i get the first beep and flashing light when about 18" from whatever, a continuous screech when about 12" away plus the Japanese lady gets quite agitated too. The reversing camera not really my thing, it certainly shows me entering the 'red zone', where I need to go, but the screen view not clear enough to judge exactly how far from an obstruction I am, probably my eyesight! But all in all a very well equipped vehicle, a dream to drive after the various VW manual vans I've owned over the years, pity about the petrol consumption! I reckon I get under 25mpg, mostly short journeys.
  4. I filled in their online enquiry form and got no response, that told me all I needed to know about them i have a long term relationship with a different local garage who I will use as required
  5. Thanks Roger I'll report back should I find my own mystery 'gadget' has an use will give the dash mat option some more thought Not finding "non-slip silicone particles" very reassuring
  6. Supply of dash covers for a 2005 model seems limited, plenty post 2008 amazon have one by Frigenn, obviously Chinese has anyone bought one of these, made of flannel, see quote below, does it fit and stay there? "Easy to install, the bottom is made of non-slip silicone particles, just put it directly on your dashboard, it will not damage the car, leave any residue, and will not move during driving." https://www.amazon.co.uk/FRIGENN-Dashboard-Toyota-Alphard-Vellfire/dp/B09WDLT5MD/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1CX3774DWUXTA&keywords=FRIGENN+dashboard&qid=1678898076&sprefix=frigenn+dashboard+%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-2 whilst I'm on here, anyone suggest what the black add on item just below and to the left of the gear change is for, see pic looks like a camera lens
  7. An update on my windscreen smearing issue. i had the screen polished yesterday and that removed the wiper arc smears effectively. now believe problem is fixed job done by Superglass, they have a local rep in Torbay, Andy, helpful chap note what others say about dash mats, will investigate what a helpful lot you are on here!
  8. Thanks Chris, really helpful. my dealer hadn't a clue about the white button. i shall go through that interesting looking blog later. Meantime, an update, both my front and rear parking sensors do work after all. i had doubts about the front ones but since found that they get triggered when about 2 inches away from an obstacle!
  9. Thanks Larry re blades but I haven't had to use them more than once or twice since getting the vehicle and not at all since my cleaning attempts but will check them btw, my description is a smearing/smudging which clearly follows the arcs of the wipers, in direct low winter sun the whole thing became so opaque that I had to stop no scratches or chips etc Tried cleaning with ordinary window cleaner and then diluted vinegar but no joy
  10. Useful comments all, thanks only had the Alphie a short while, have had an exchange with the dealer about it and he also says to send him pics. so, next day with early low sun I will be out there iphone at the ready. contacted two Exeter windscreen companies yesterday re replacement but still waiting for quotes, they didn't exactly exude enthusiasm though presumably as imported anyone know of a polisher in East Devon? i think i need a professional opinion to make some headway with this, more time today to get on to it
  11. Hi James, yes cleaned the inside too. The smearing or whatever follows the arc of the wipers so definitely external. the blades were changed recently as advisories at MOT so looks like they may have been scrubbing away on the screen for a while
  12. Thanks, the blades were new last week so I haven't touched those
  13. Had a shock couple of days ago, early morning driving into the sun and suddenly the screen went opaque, could hardly see anything through it. the smearing follows the wiper arcs. Have tried cleaning with diluted white vinegar but no real improvement. talking to a couple of windscreen replacement people, nobody wants to machine polish it and replacement quotes still awaited. anyone had this problem ? and who is best/cheapest to replace?
  14. I'll ask Snows in Honiton, thanks again
  15. Thanks for your input Roger i'm going to have a chat with my friendly local garage, I'll let you know if they can throw some light on exactly what works or not Appreciate the offer to visit Torbay which I will leave in abeyance for now
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