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Everything posted by Joel7513

  1. How big is the tank you have fitter?
  2. Im Looking to fit a Towbar in the next month. Are these available?
  3. I purchased a OBD READER and turned the seatbelt passenger side sensors off. annoyed me it would beep everytimeI left shopping bag on the seat!
  4. Old post put I’m looking to replace the 4 speakers on my 20 series as well. ‘Has anyone had the done and can recommend replacement speakers.
  5. Hi Stu I haven’t had the opportunity to connect mine up yet. Likely I will run some wires under the carpets and piggyback off the existing fuse. lots of comments above but I think I will be easier just to rewire under the carpet as nobody is sure on where to liven the existing wires up..
  6. Thanks Declan. Good thinking! which switch is it? Will remove the blank plugs on mine and see if there are any connections behind it.
  7. That’s a shame. Wonder if it just needs a fuse or connection the other end
  8. Very interesting. Surprised this isn’t commonly discussed considering the lack of options for charging in the rear if these vehicles. Keep us posted on your tests.
  9. Hi i have a 20 series with the sliding Centre console (no rear 110V sockets or VGA PLUGS) im looking to add some usb type chargers to my Centre console rear for the kids. I had planned to install and run wires somewhere through the console to the fuse box. I removed the console cover to find wiring which must be from the earlier models with rear 110V sockets and VGA PLUGS. does anyone know if these wires are live? if they are not live as I suspect can anyone help with an idea of where they can be connected? still find it so strange there is no power in the rear of the 20 series, not even a cigarette socket!!!!
  10. Thanks Martin Will give the anti static a go. Worth a go for the price.
  11. Hi All does anyone have an issue with static shocks when getting out the Vellfire? Everyone is getting shocks when touching the doors or body of the car. only had the car a few weeks and I’m sure it’s nothing to our clothing or footwear as we didn’t get this with our last car. any help or hint/tricks would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Thanks Nigel had a quote for £1700 with a 90litre tank. although it’s 99p/liter round London still worth it I think.
  13. Oh that makes sense. realized now she talks to me when the car starts. thanks.
  14. Where did you get the conversion done? thinking oh one myself, whats your thoughts on this?
  15. Did you ever get this resolved? I have same issue what my vellfire as you have described.
  16. Hi just purchased a 2010 Vellfire. replacement android head unit was already installed. in the storage compartment above the fuel and bonnet release is a device I’ve not seen before. Seems to be some sort of player or mini disk device? Can anyone shed light on what this is?
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