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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

Michael Brown

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Michael Brown last won the day on February 24

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  • Name: Michael
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Hybrid (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. I am looking to hard wire a Dash Cam
  2. Very nice colour, I wonder if it was resprayed ? not seen any that colour about
  3. That looks interesting, does come with a fuse in it and which fuse box did you plug it into ?
  4. What amazes me is they all come over with low mileage. The Japanese chaps who drove them in Japan must clock up more. I did a BIMTA test on a previour Estima I bought back in 2011 and 79,000 miles had been wiped from clock. The 65,000 miles it was sold at did not look so rosy. Worth getting a BIMTA check done before you part with some money
  5. Go for it, I have been buying imports since 2007, much better appointed inside
  6. When the car tax change happened back in the early 2000's and some became cheaper because engines were more efficient, our imports stayed the same and go up with inflation. Having a Hybrid appears to make no difference at all, unfortunately
  7. The garage I went to was Topsham Car Sales in Exeter, EX3 0QH. They had been advertising on Ebay and I liked the colour, Olive Green. I'd been staying at my Mothers house in Stratford Upon Avon and drove down to look at it. I was satisfied and left a £500 deposit and asked if they could deliver it to Stratford Upon Avon, They said yes they could. I then drove home to my house in West Sussex. A few days later I was back in Stratford to receive the 2.4 Alphard. I'd had the use of Mothers Toyota Auris as I am insured to drive it. I bought the Alphard on 27th August 2022.
  8. I only used to listen to Radio 4 on DAB on my M2 Estrima, so finding I can only get Radio 2, I am now a convert and enjoy Radio 2. I occasionally have to retune the Radio 2 as I travel as its not on Digital and loses its signal
  9. Don't be afraid to travel to look see. I live 5.5 miles south of Chichester near south coast. I drove to Leicester, then Halesowen west of Birmingham, then Exeter, where I bought my Hybrid. One has to be prepared to travel.
  10. Looks an absolute bargain if you wanted one, I am sticking to my Hybrid concidering my insurance has dropped a lot this year.
  11. Check the radiator levels, when I had a similiar problem, thinking a fuse had blown. Someone suggested top the radiators up and it worked after that
  12. Keep up the work you are doing Daniel, fingers crossed you will have Alfie back on the road again soon
  13. Oscar, hard luck with all Alfies hybrid problems. You need a Hybrid\Electrical specialist. I expect there are other specialists around the country. I use a chap called Peter Holland from Southbourne nr Emsworth, Bright Spark Autos, 07774 152660. When my Alfie has broken down I have had it transported to his workshop. He is very good. Good luck
  14. On the heater not appearing to work, check the radiator and top up if nessesary. Thats the first thing I do as on the hybrid there is no dial showing radiator temperature
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