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Jorge Velasco

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  • Name: Jorge
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 240 Hybrid (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. I get 6.3 on average on daily commute. Mostly because it is about only 5 miles away with a ton of stop lights and speed bumps which I believe lowers fuel efficiency. As my speedo is mph, I guess that 6.3 is m/l
  2. Will be going to Cornwall (from London) in the summer, what’s the most fuel efficient route?
  3. Juat out of curiosity, what is your reading for km/l with that kind of driving discipline? Also, what even is EV Mode for? I tried it before but it only lasts for seconds.
  4. Where can I have this looked at? Any shop that services Alphards? What do I tell the mechanic to look for? To recalibrate the “electronic mileage monitor”? thanks in advance
  5. Not sure, How do I check if the reading is accurate? Hopefully, it’s just that. Fill-up test? One time I loaded 37 litres and got about 185 miles. What does that translate to? Thanks in advance.
  6. Not solved it yet. Not sure who I have to talk to. I het about 5,5 km/l as I usually do city driving. Of I make a long trip on the motorway, it goes up to 7++ km/l
  7. Just got a 2012 2.4l hybrid and am averaging only 6 km/l on ECO mode. What could be wrong?
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