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Kona Hyun

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Everything posted by Kona Hyun

  1. #OWSU, I finally got around to sort this out today. I managed to remove the seats but it was not needed to fix this problem. I followed what you have shown and got to the problem. It must have been fixed by the previous owner. The top plastic tray was not even screwed to the metal frame. It just came off after taking off the wood colour surround and the front plastic. In my case, the bolt was a little too short and it was out of the 'slot' it was supposed to be in and stuck. That's why it jammed the mechanism. I changed the bolt to a longer one and cut it to the measurement you have shown. Then I covered it with epoxy steel to make it smooth. Now it is working perfectly. Thank you very much OWSU.
  2. Thanks, OWSU for defeating your laziness and all the pictures and detailed explanations. Me too in the lazy mode with this cold weather. Mine did not need to lift the handle to slide forward to open. I did not even know the handle was there till this happened. Maybe the actuation mechanism is already broken. I just pushed a bit to slide open and close, and it stayed there. But now it refuses to open even with a much harder push. I am thinking of removing the seats before tackling this. Thank you for the reply.
  3. Hi Chris, No, there is nothing jamming in the tray. I peeped from the back with a torchlight. The box is not full. As Owsu said, it must be a jam in the sliding mechanism.
  4. Thanks, Owsu, for the detailed explanation and your effort to fix it. Yes, it must have been forcefully closed. There was a time when friends were in the middle seats and one of them did close the tray. This must be the cause of it. I will try fixing it as you have shown. Maybe removing the seats may help taking out the side covers.
  5. Hi Rojie, Thanks for asking. It is between the front seats. It is in closed position. The top lid covering the box should slide forward to open/ uncover the box beneath. It stuck and won't move.
  6. Good evening all, Thank you for accepting me as a member. My Vellifre 2009 2.4 AWD has a center console like the attached picture. The console box lid decided not to slide forward to open. I used quite a bit of force but to no avail. Has anyone had a similar situation and how was it solved? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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