Update. its a bit of a tail but it has a happy ending. after my first attempt, which i followed the online video and pulled the connecting plug apart to expose the wires, which didn't work i notices a socket that the original connector would have fit into so i bought another £10 kit as i needed a new cable. Went back in and plugged the cable connector into the socket on the steering wheel. Reconnected the battery and still no dashboard cruise light, oh well for £20 it was worth a try. Later i went out on a journey and when i was on the motorway i thought why not give it a go and low and behold the cruise control was working, still no cruise light but i noticed the ECO light was on permanently. So no cruise light but I have cruise control with the ECO light staying on when activated. Now if anyone knows a fix for the light that would be great but I have cruise control which was the point of the exercise.