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Everything posted by drew12

  1. Mine is mnh15 I think it's the 3.0L AWD one. I'm currently trying to find an ignition barrel, all my fuses are fine only other thing I can think of is changing all the relays
  2. Have you got a part number for the brown relay ?
  3. No I don't think so i've replaced that I think, is it the far left relay the 3 pin one
  4. This is trying to start the car with the spare key 20230915_174823.mp4
  5. I have replaced the ignition starter switch but no luck, I need to get a new case for my spare key as it has fallen to bits. I'm currently trying to find someone who will have a look at the car for me because I'm at dead end with it
  6. No I swapped the ignition switch, I have rang a Toyota garage about the ignition barrel but it has been discontinued so I now need to try and find a second hand one or see if an ignition barrel from a different Toyota or lexus fit
  7. Cheers mate. I'm having problems with car again it just flashes lights on dash then goes dead I'm thinking it might be an ignition barrel problem
  8. Thank you everyone for your help, the love bus is up and running again. It all down to a relay in the passenger footwell
  9. Will do mate I'm just waiting for the 100amp fuse hopefully it will be here by the time I get back from work on Friday. Since changing a really (not quite sure it's the right one) I've now got lights on dash when the key is in position 2
  10. Thank you for the help with this I would been scratching my head for days 😅
  11. I think I've found it just need to replace a 100a fuse now
  12. Is the starter relay at the bottom on the fuse box in the passenger footwell ?
  13. Something is clicking in this area when Im turning the key, has anyone got any idea what it could be ?
  14. It's the part marked on the picture in struggling to find
  15. I only have one behind the dash on the driver's side
  16. Could you tell me where to locate this fuse on the car please I can't find it
  17. It was a new ignition switch I've had put on will it still need coding ? the barrel seems fine
  18. This what's happening when I try and start the car 20230731_211210.mp4
  19. The radio and everything powers up when i put the key in but as soon as try and start the car nothing happens
  20. Could anyone tell me where to find the starter relay please, is it the main box under the bonnet or the one next to the battery
  21. ANCEL JP700 JOBD OBD2 Japanese Car Scanner, JDM Automotive Code Reader Check Engine Light OBDII Diagnostic Scan Tool fit for Toyota Nissan Honda Mazda Subaru Vehicle Diagnosis https://amzn.eu/d/2kEDJcg Is this the correct reader ?
  22. Thank you for that I will have look on Amazon for one
  23. I've not checked the to see if the earths are tight to be honest I've noticed there is about 4 or 5 of them though
  24. ive have a new batter put on this week and the starter motor gas been off and tested, that was fine I have tried to get a diagnostic done but when they plugged it in the ODB wouldn't power the reader
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