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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by cookie9561

  1. sorry Chris forgot to thank you for comment,would chassis no tell you any of that
  2. Hi everyone,lm trying to find out if the V6 3.5 2grfe engines fitted to Vellfire/Alphard have the oil cooling system fitted as lm pretty sure they weren't fitted to all 2grfe engines
  3. Hi everyone, Had my Alphard since September.It has 97000 miles and no written proof of it being done in the extensive service history paperwork.I have read and watched youtubes videos about the subject.Concensus seems to be that flushing is a bad idea as it can cause issues with moving debri inside the narrow gearbox channels resulting in major issues.The other view is its ok to do a fluid change as you never get all the fluid out as converter is still full.as you are only replacing 50 % of fluid then thats a safer way of doing it.Whats everyones views on it,would be grateful for any opinions
  4. Hi everyone,just joined the forum,can anyone recommend a place to go in Scotland or north England to convert a 2.4 Alphard,many thanks
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