I very new to this club, so please bear with me (70years young).
We recently bought a Toyota Velfire 2012 van, for what seems to be a good price.
It is in very good condition and we are going to have it professionally converted.
We have been told that it has no rear fog lights and after reading quite a bit now they need to be fitted!
I used to be an electronics engineer (TVs, Radio, VCRs), so I'm not afraid to have a go.
The problem is doing the job properly and finding the correct wires and where they are!
I have sourced the lights that fit where the reflectors are at the bottom back (I have bought them).
I have also bought the fog light switch that fits at the front, along with the other switches.
After looking at some pf the pictures, I have found the connection inside the rear bumper.
At the front there are several plugs that have been taped up, are these anything to do with the fog lights?
If they are could someone point me to the correct plug?
Thank you in advance if someone could help, I won't always reply immediately, I'm in and out quite often.
Regards John.