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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by davet

  1. Yes, I have messaged you.
  2. No problem Lee. Blimey, I hope your luck changes soon!
  3. Hi, Lee, I assume you aren't interested, which is fine. I will sell it elsewhere. Thanks
  4. Hi Lee, you kindly answered my question on this subject on 17th Feb, your reply said .... "Hi sorry late reply part no. Is 6964158010 and that's the correct link for it I priced one of these cables last year at £340 + vat" That's the one I ordered on ebay, 69641-58010. I guess you can check from my reg number which was YC53PJK. Feels weird saying "my reg number was...." Just did my part ex today after owning my alphard over 7 years. Ta.
  5. I know it's a bit of a long shot but I have one of these for sale. I guess I will have to put it on ebay but here goes. I mentioned on the forum that I was going to try to fix a few faults on my MZG, the near-side power door being one. I got the part from "Kabuki" in Japan but couldn't work out to fit it (I know...) but in any event the head unit failed and I believe that is an expensive fix on an MZG with theatre sound so I ended up part-ex'ing the vehicle anyway, the result being that I have the cable mechanism left. It is as delivered, cost just over £130, I would like £80. Anyone interested? I guess not and I will put it on ebay if I get no reply. Thanks folks. Dave
  6. Hi folks, my door cable mechanism has arrived (good price and quick delivery from "kabuki") Does anyone have a link to a video of someone replacing the cable please? I've seen the video in this thread but unless I'm wrong the guy is replacing the motor not the cable and I would like a video to follow as I'm not that technical but willing to have a go. Thanks Dave
  7. Fair comment, much of my driving is around town. I was told with an alphard it's about "smiles per gallon" and you pay for your pleasure.
  8. Thanks, if I've read the HMRC site correctly there's no duty if the item costs less than £135, which a few do.
  9. 32-35. Eek, I checked mine the other day properly and I'm getting exactly 20mpg!
  10. Japan, according to the advert.
  11. I'm sorry if this is a daft question but will there be any customs charges or other fees to pay? Thanks again.
  12. Thanks Lee, I hate to sound like I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth but why are they now half that price. Anything I should know? Finally, how do I check the motor is working? Thanks
  13. Sorry, I've just read your post properly and I see the part which cost you about £30 is the motor, not the cable assembly.
  14. Thank you Barry, am I right in thinking I need to check first that the motor is still OK before I replace the cable? Are we talking about the same part? The consensus is that they cost somewhere between £150 and £250. I don't doubt you for a second but that being the case what you bought for about £30 even a few years ago surely can't be the same thing can it?
  15. Hi, my reg is YC53PJK. Thanks.
  16. Is this the right part chaps? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/133738671603?itmmeta=01HPRPZ8XDFSK7GTV4B28DD8SD&hash=item1f23722df3:g:oBoAAOSwmt1gEsXY
  17. Hi folks, I have decided to have a go at fixing a few issues with my alphard and would appreciate some help. The near-side powered door on my 53 plate alphard MZG has stopped working as the cable has snapped. There are 2 issues I would like help with please. Firstly, from reading posts on the forum I think I need to decide whether just the cable needs replacing or whether the motor is broken. How do I tell if the motor is working? Secondly and assuming the motor is OK can anyone tell me the right part number for the mechanism and the best place to buy one? I believe they are about £200. Oh, also, any chance of a link to a video showing anyone fixing one? Many thanks everyone. Dave
  18. That's really helpful thanks. My alphard has a high spec (theatre sound, powered curtains etc) but is 2003 so I'm confident it doesn't have AFS. In view of what you say I think I'll take it to halfords as my preferred garage is a fair distance and always very busy. I appreciate your help.
  19. I've established I don't have AFS so I think the bulbs I need are D2R 35W. Do I replace with xenon or not? I'm not aware that the existing bulbs are xenon. Does it make any difference? Thanks again.
  20. Hi Roger, thanks for your reply. Sorry to be dense but what is the switch cluster? Thanks
  21. Hi guys, new member with first post, hoping for some help please. I have an 03 plate alphard 3.0 MZ which I have had 7 years and which I love. My near side headlight bulb has gone (not high beam) so I need to replace it. I have a manual which says those bulbs which have an asterisk (and this is one) have to be changed by a toyota dealer, which came as a surprise. From looking on the forum I see that those with "intelligent AFS" need bulb D2S 35W whereas those without need D2R 35W. Can anyone please tell me how I know whether mine has Intelligent AFS or not, where I would get the correct bulb and how I would fit it? Is it an easy job and are there any links to technical guides or a youtube video please? Many thanks Davet
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