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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by WALK5673

  1. Thanks again Geralt. My son is the computer wizard and I have a spare laptop running Windows 10, I think I will give "Techstream" a try.
  2. Update: OBD2 Scanner arrived, powers up OK but will not "handshake" with the computer (Is it OBD2 compatible?). I was hoping to clear the codes to get out of "Limp" mode. It looks like I need a mobile auto electrician.
  3. Update: Disconnected the battery for an hour, reconnected no difference I'm afraid. Engine is in "Limp" mode "TRK off, Check Engine Light and VSC lights on". My OBD2 Scanner should arrive tomorrow so I can scan the codes, will update again then. Thanks again for the assistance.
  4. Thanks for the info Geralt. I thought about disconnecting the battery but am always wary of losing something in the computers memory. I suppose on this car the key is not programmed to the car so it should be OK. I will give it a try tonight.
  5. Thanks for the speedy response. I am an ex Marine Engineer and have always maintained my own vehicles until the computers came along. The lack of a maintenance manual is a major problem but I think the expertise and experience of people on this forum will more than make up for that. I am waiting for an OBD2 Scanner to read the fault codes. Do you know where the scanner port is on the car ?
  6. I have a 2006 3 Ltr Alphard with a problem. The battery went flat and I recharged it OK. When I came to start it it starts OK but there are three lights on "VSC", "Check Engine" and TRK off". The car I presume is in "Safety Mode" and will not respond to the throttle. I am assuming this is a computer problem (I hate computers). Can any of you guys help ? I have had the car since February and it is everything I wanted what a brilliant machine !
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