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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by Gerry

  1. Thanks everyone, especially MonsterS. I took your advice and phoned Tayna, the girl could not have been more helpful, and she sorted it within minutes, even down to the battery terminals as it had been replaced at some stage in Japan with a Canadian/ US battery. I would suggest if you have any concerns about which battery to buy then phone Tayna and spell out your needs. The replacement was pretty cheap, about £65 and was delivered next day, up and running within minutes and it hasn't let me down yet.
  2. Thanks MonsterS, sure would be good to know what the experts think.
  3. Further to above the only ones I seem to favour are: YASA YBX3005 and the Enduroline 75Ah But of course I'm being swayed by the fact that the size of battery in there is very close to a 069 spec, and that AC Delco must've been a replacement at some stage. Your thoughts, and choices, would be most welcomed. Gerry
  4. Hell everyone, just putting the vehicle's winter cover on, and won't use her now until February, but I realise I need a new battery come Spring! What have people used over here as a replacement battery, I'm not having much luck so far, and two companies I've phoned have absolutely no clue how to suggest one, batteryboys is one of them. It had an AC Delco PG80D23L when it came in last month but I can't seem to nail the replacement battery over here, and a couple I thought should work said not a good fit for the vehicle on their websites. I'm relying on you guys to get me going in March!! Thanks for any thoughts or comments about what you've selected. Gerry
  5. Hi George, it's fun owning one of these and not knowing anything about it eh!! I have the manual but unfortunately it's exactly as MonstorS has said, that's all there is about it. Other than finding the main switch for that light, and perhaps wondering if it needs to be on anyway, I'm not sure what to suggest, but I'll keep googling and reading, and will let you know if I find anything out about it. It sounds like a Blind Corner Monitor is a very good idea though!
  6. Following on from George's question and MonsterS rather unhelpful response, does anyone know which bolts to remove, and where are they? I may do this myself. In fact George, I bet you know how now, would you mind sharing it with us. Thank you.
  7. Yep, I agree with Pete, got my copy from Amazon too, and a very useful book too.
  8. I'm really pleased with your answer as I've just bought an Alphard MZ (2008) - it's on a cruise right now to Southampton, and I've just bought an XTRONS TS109L to fit into it. Basically I like the larger screen and am happier with it proud of the dash and moveable. The details seem to indicate it's Alphard friendly but is there a harness I will have to buy for it, or will the one supplied possibly go straight in? 'Perfectly compatible with Nissan and Toyota . . .' is what they say. I thought it was hard work navigating the auction sites to get this vehicle, but I'm beginning to see that I'm only at the beginning of my journey! But it's been a lot of fun and I'm sure there'll be more to come. Great to have this site and be a member too, support is always good!
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