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  • Name: Dean
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 3.0 (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
  • Your Location
    Hayling Island

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  1. 2004 3litre with 78,000 miles. I am lately experiencing a shudder when maintaining a constant speed of 28-30mph. If I take my foot off the accelerator, the shudder disappears. The same if I am able to accelerate. It appears to be more noticeable when the engine has achieved the correct running temperature. Any thoughts gratefully received.
  2. It’s a 3.0 litre. I will update the profile. I noticed on the original that there is two sets of numbers. Please see my photo. Thank you for advising 2220421010. Does the second number also need to match? 197400-2000
  3. Thank you. I hope to hear from Picasso
  4. Hello, I need to replace my MAF sensor(photo attached). I see the item number is 22204-21010 but is the second number also important 197400-2000. I am see a lot of 197400-2030 online. would like to know if ok to use or where to buy correct one?
  5. Hello Due to an electrical fault, I am looking for the reverse light switch located on or around gearbox. i would welcome your suggestions where I can find this switch. Thanks
  6. Hi, did you manage to find clips for the speaker panel? I am looking for the same
  7. Hello, when running the heater fan, there is a slight chirping noise and the noise increases on faster speeds. This happens with AC on or off. I’m thinking it’s the bearing of the fan behind the glovebox. Is there a known repair or will it be a swap out of the fan? Many thanks
  8. Hi pipsyp, thanks for the informative message. Really appreciated
  9. I have a very worn original grey wood effect gear knob. Do you know where I can purchase a similar replacement? Thanks
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