I thought I’d let you know about my experience getting a new key reprogrammed – given no auto locksmith wanted to go near my 2008 Vellfire. I only had one key - photo attached.
So, here’s what I did and it eventually worked out.
I bought a replacement key identifying the internal serial number from this place on Ebay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/nejapautoparts Make sure you get the correct key and message the seller if not sure! I’m sure other sellers are available.
I read quite a bit and found previous forum chats helpful eg - https://uk.alphardclub.com/forums/topic/7153-techstream-for-alphard/ and https://uk.alphardclub.com/forums/topic/3338-4-button-key-programming/
I then bought the Mini VCI cable and Techstream CD’s from this chap on Ebay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124808047632 Again, other sellers available but this chap was v helpful when I needed help.
Once I got it all delivered, I followed the instructions (NB re-read the item description online and what to do for 64/32 bit PCs). I installed the VCI driver and version 18 of Techstream onto my laptop (from the CD supplied). Read the note/instruction file on the CD as well as the relevant instruction video. You need to get a licence key from the seller once all is uploaded and you start Techstream, add a few details and get the software code – to then email to the seller for him to then send you the new licence key . NB read and watch ALL the instructions and all should make sense. Tips were turn off your anti-virus software (64 bit) and make sure you set Techstream to ‘JAPAN’ when asked where you are located. Also it doesn’t matter what you put in the mandatory boxes for ‘dealer’ etc.
How to Check if Windows 10 is 32-bit or 64-bit
Press the Start button, then select Settings.
Click on System.
Go to About and look for the System type field to check your bit version.
Then I watched a number of Youtube videos about how to reprogram a new key. I found this one to be the best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmCN-YDkqwo Make some notes and take them into the car with you. You’ll find the VCI port all the way under the driver’s side dash to the right – a small white port. You’ll need to get to it kneeling outside the car. Make sure on Techstream you choose the aftermarket VCI from the menu at the top and not the default Toyota VCI.
Anyway have a go and see what happens. Hopefully you’ll feel as smug as I did. I paid £40 for the spare key and £40 for the software/cable, so £80 in total for reprogrammed spare key. Must be cheaper than a locksmith…. And you now have the software to do a full diagnostic check. Bonus!
Hope that helps