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Tom Wiseman

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  • Name: Thomas
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 350 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Hi After a long night of thought, I found the cause it was the battery contacts From purchase I had issues with fob use, so at some point someone fitted batteris and damaged the contacts, as the batteries are very loose Although I have had to put a bit carboard in to hold them down, I am now have x2 well working fobs Off camping tomorrow Thank you for your kind assistance
  2. Hi Thanks for you feedback No matter what i do the push button does not light up however, after 2 hours out of the blue the green light came on and i started the engine, when i turned it off i could not turn it back on. The batteries were replaced by the shop in 5 seconds, thererfore I can only assume its the immobiliser causing this issue as it needs a working fob I think its best i take it to an auto electrics (providing i can get it there !! )
  3. Hi After new batteries the fobs seem to be useless, using key to enter there is no light on the push start although sometines after 30-40 mins it goes green - today nothing after an hour of trying !! It seems like the immobiliser has locked me out, can this happen ?? Any suggestions on wehat the issue is, as getting fed up trying Will a Toyota garage gladly look into imported vehicles ?
  4. Hi Thank you for your reply The push button is blank, no amber !! should it be amber ? I repeatedly press the start to no avail then out pof the blue it goes green after 20+ plus attempts As for the fobs i had new batteries fitted on purchase these failed, as locking system seems very tempermental. The new ones fitted this week do not get sensed by the car either Will a Toyota garage gladly look into imported vehicles ?
  5. Recently bought a converted V8 3.5 Vellfire 2008. Unfortunately had issues with the fobs locking/opening etc. Although had new batteries fitted, both have now failed within 6 months so I now need to use key to open/lock. I do not understand why the push start takes about twenty attempts to go green to alow start !! is this normal ?? and am concerned to drive with just the key Also as the fobs are now useles, how do I get them recollaberated ? Any response would be much appriciated
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