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  1. Hi, i am after one of these seats please. if anyone has one for sale, please let me know. not really fussed about the colour. alternatively is there a simple way to fit another arm rest to a passenger sea? all help/advice appreciated. thank you.
  2. sorry - i hav enot been around for a while. I have a spare wheel carrier and the wheel from a 2007 alphard. it was taken off when i had my lpg gas conversion done. i would be willing to swap the carrier and the wheel for normal alphard wheel. i dont know if a carrier off a 2007 alphard would fit your alphard, but if it would and you would be interested on a swap basis then let me know and we can sort something out when lockdown is over. kind regards
  3. hi, did you have any luck with getting this ?
  4. done and sorted out. best wishes
  5. thanks for that. kind regards
  6. i purchasedd a 2007 alphard about 2 months ago 3000cc v6. very pleased with it. no car skills whatsoever so will be asking plenty of questions. I have an 8 seater model and have removed the double seat from the first row of seats - but the job is half finished. can anybody advise about how can I take out the metal sliding rails, without causing too much mess. Do i have to take the carpet up or do they slide off the end of the rail. All advice greatly appreciated.
  7. hi, are they captain seats? if so could you tell me the colour please. thank you for your help.
  8. hi, I am a new alphard owner and had a seat related question. I would be grateful for any advice as my diy skills are very limited. I have an 8 seater model and have removed the double seat from the first row of seats. How can I take out the metal sliding rails, without causing too much mess. Do i have to take the carpet up or do they slide off the end of the rail. All advice greatly appreciated. / also is the width of the rails the same as in a seven seater alphard, so that if i was to get a captain seat for the passenger side, it would just be case of taking the one seat off and putting the other one the same sliding rails. thank you
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