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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by crazymac680

  1. Thanks for that. I thought that would be the case. I've got a great place for doing the skim so that will be an easy bit. Anything else you would recommend I do while I'm there? I'm thinking chain tensioner? Maybe I'll put a new radiator and hoses in too. Thanks
  2. 2002 2.4ltr Hi. Unfortunately my head gasket has gone. I had a coolant leak and the temp went up. I was pretty certain that I noticed early but I can't be certain that it didn't overheat the day before when the wife was driving. Has anyone managed to fix the head gasket without removing the engine? The facebook group thinks I'm better to replace the engine but that seems extreme to me. Thanks for any advice
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