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  • Name: Steve
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Petrol (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Get to about 40 mph then I have had vsc trc off and engine management lamps on with high fuel consumption have changed all 4 sensors with aftermarket ones problem still here should try the cat cleaning thing any help welcome update just stuck a bottle of cataclean in it ran it up fault cleared will keep an eye on it and report
  2. Get to about 40 mph then I have had vsc trc off and engine management lamps on with high fuel consumption have changed all 4 sensors with aftermarket ones problem still here should try the cat cleaning thing any help welcome
  3. Sliding door will not close fully. It slides to the point where it turns in, stops and reopens. All clean and lubricated, no obvious damage. All rails and wheels seem good. Will push shut. Do the motor get tired. Any thoughts or help welcome
  4. Has anyone fitted a tow bar to their Alpharetta, if so which one did you use as I cannot find a vehicle specific one.
  5. Can anyone tell me what type of bolt holds the aluminium engine cover over the spark plugs is I have tried torx but these don’t seem to fit and just turn in the bolt head
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