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  • Name: Joe
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 240 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. I hadn’t spotted that you were a moderator. Happy for you to close this post as it’s in the wrong section
  2. Hi, I thinking of popping along to Go Green Motors, as they have quite a few Alphards/Velfires (and a few ElGrand’s). Have anyone had any experience using them? Positive or negative, any info would be appreciated greatly.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I hadn’t seen the specific dealers section but have now trawled through but alas cannot find anything. I’ll post a new question there, as I don’t want to be “that guy” who always posts in the wrong section
  4. Does anyone know why so many listings are with dealers rather than private. There was a time when I’d always buy my cars private (even the obscure stuff), usually through owners clubs but at the moment, it’s so hard to find loving private owners looking for a good home for their beloved. Maybe I’m not looking in the right places 😅
  5. Hi guys, starting my search for an Alphard/Velfire after an unfortunate and unexpected demise of my StepWgn. I plan to go look around a certain dealer in Rochester - is it against forum rules to mention their name? if anyone knows who I’m talking about, I’d be curious if anyone has a positive or negative experience?
  6. How did the CVT hold up? I appreciate were a few years down the line 😅
  7. This would be a great little thread to perhaps have a 6 month update on. I know it would be hard to ensure people were being impartial, but it could be considered a moral service to others if anyone has a shocking and borderline criminal experience somewhere.
  8. Hi guys, almost went for a ElGrand E52… but stopped myself because of the constant bad reports of Nissan CVT failures. can anyone put my mind at rest towards Alphard/Velfire’s having somewhat decent reliability in this area? I’ve never had a CVT before, only traditional slush boxes and with the AH20 2.4 being all I could afford to run… I need some moral support in knowing that the Toyota CVT’s are worth going with. cheers!
  9. Hello, I assume you got this sold in the end? Any post sale blues or honest opinions of the car you’d share in hindsight?
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