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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

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Hi All,

I would like to visit an old mate in Antwerp driving my 2003 petrol Alphard through Eurotunnel..

If I stay out of city centres do I have to worry about low emission zones through France and Belgium




As a French, I just checked for you on the government website.

Yes, you have to order a "vignette crit'air" if you want to use the highway passing through a ZFE (Zone à Faible Emission = LEZ for you). You can order it in English there : https://www.certificat-air.gouv.fr/certificat/demande/ext/vehicules


By the way, currently there's no automatic verification, but if you got stopped by the police in a ZFE without this (shi**y) thumbnail (sorry I don't know the right word to use for this type of thing), you'll be fined 68€, up to 135€ if you don't pay fast enough.


I'm sorry for you you have to come in my shi**y country :(

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