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PaulE last won the day on January 27

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  • Name: Paul
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 2.4 Hybrid (02-08)
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  1. Try Vine Place Motors in Durham where I bought mine, they give good advice and not pushy. They list their vehicles on their website. Used cars for sale in Durham & County Durham: Vine Place
  2. Found these on Aliexpress £33.16 for both sides free delivery. For TOYOTA ALPHARD AH10 2002-2008 Window Rain Guards Accessories Side Chrome Window Trim Car Cover Waterproof Shelters - AliExpress
  3. Hi, I need to top up the power steering fluid but I have a dilemma-- the filler cap say use "EH" only which I can only find on Ebay at about £60 per 1 litre can. I spoke to local Toyota and they only have something called Dextro 3 part no. 08886-80506 ( I have seen it on Ebay as D111) which is under a tenner for a litre. Are the 2 items compatible if not is there a part no. for EH? Any advice welcome, cheers. Just found part no. 0888681250- ebay seller is Toyota itself
  4. I don't think you can start the vehicle unless it is fully in "Park". As you were having to use a chopstick, is it possible the shift is not completely in Park? Try taking the fascia panel off to see if anything is blocking the shifter. Put some tape over the release button to stop it falling through.
  5. The Panasonic battery doesn't say AGM on the label but I am advised it is by a specialist I have used- the Yuasa equivalent says it in the online spec. A standard 12v battery won't do the multiple stop starts and live very long (I know I had one).
  6. I have brought both my 12v batteries back from the dead on several occasions (I ended up with 2x batteries as I thought the Panasonic had died so replaced it with the Yuasa due to not using the van for a few weeks over Xmas/ New Years). I have a Noco Genius 5 charger set to AGM and I charged the delinquent batteries for 6 hours each day over 5 days and the voltage was restored. Both batteries still work well but do discharge in 3 days if I don't give the van a good drive especially in winter. The Noco does have a restore function which I think works automatically if needed. The Panasonic S55D23R is now 3 yrs old and the Yuasa S55D23R 2 years, neither have a temp sensor (series 2 and above I think). If buying a new one check the positive post is on the left (for Hybrid) as you can get identical looking batteries, same model. no. with the posts reversed. Also the supplier may insist the vent pipe should be on the left (positive side) but in my experience this doesn't matter as I have one battery vented on the left -the other on the right.
  7. I think it is series 2 that has the temp sensor on the battery. There is a Yuasa S55D23R which is usually a bit cheaper than the Panasonic , both are expensive, I have both as I keep a spare on charge. Don't forget to move the vent pipe over as the new one may not come with it.
  8. Hi this is a link for replacement professionally made speedo dials, www.kmh-mph.co.uk 1st Generation
  9. I have passed 3x MOT with the original Km speedo display and no issues. I suspect the MOT tester does not know what they are talking about. I would protest this asap. I have an MPH HUD on the dash but I don't think this is necessary for MOT. As regards recording "mileage" I make sure the tester records the ODO distance in KM. no problems.
  10. Possibly a faulty relay not switching off. Good luck.
  11. PaulE

    Lexus LM

    Just been watching a Youtube of the LM hybrid and the reviewer found the 12v battery kept going flat. Looks like Toyota have not fixed this issue after 20 years even on a flagship vehicle. They should have put the battery in the boot and allowed more room for a bigger battery.
  12. If you wanted a brand new Alphard you can now have one under the Lexus brand and is UK spec and not a grey import. Lexus LM hybrid only £90,000 up wards. 7 seat or 4 seat luxury. Has anyone seen one yet? Lexus LM | Luxury In Every Detail | Lexus UK brochure Lexus LM
  13. Hello, if it is no trouble would you have the A/C info as my A/C is not working , mine is anh10 but may be the same as you had originally. many thanks
  14. Many thanks for this. Do you have a diagram for the air con system (hybrid series 1) ? cheers
  15. Hi, I purchased mine from Dave at Vineplace Motors near Durham. Very good sales service as he doesn't hurry you and gives you all the info.
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