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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

Paul D

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Everything posted by Paul D

  1. Thank you for arranging today's meet Steve, fantastic day out and the weather turned out perfect for it. Brilliant to see so many variants and layouts of these wonderful vehicles.
  2. I haven't seen a new email, when did you send it?
  3. Myself & my cousin, Alex, are heading to the southbound services in our Alphards. We are setting off from Liverpool at 6am!
  4. Hi all, unfortunately the guy has just messaged me to say he can't attend on Sunday now (double booked apparently), despite there being some good business for him. Sorry about this folks. Paul.
  5. Nice one. How many buttons on your key? Just so I can keep the guy informed.
  6. Hi all, I've just had a chat with Martyn at Autolock and he will attend the meet next Sunday if he can get 5 people who want additional Alphard keys. Price is £140 for an ignition switch type or £160 for proximity type. If more than 5 people buy then he can do a bit cheaper. Please reply to me here if you want a key and I'll let him know if sufficient business for him to attend. Thanks all.
  7. Hi Alphie, I've only just checked into the site today and seen your post. I think it would be a good idea to mention the meet to him, could be a good opportunity for him and other Alphard owners.
  8. Hi all, I definitely be interested in the meet up. Would be travelling from Liverpool in my 57 plate V6 and would be great to see so many of these brilliant Japanese vans in one place. Cheers, Paul.
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