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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by Bryn

  1. Thanks Roger, Aviva have increased the Alphard premium from last years premium of £270. I suspect they have checked Speed Awareness records as I was caught out by the Roseworthy Dip Cornwall camera in September 24. (two weeks short of 50 years of blemish free driving) but the online course was good.
  2. My Alphard Insurance is going up to £343 fully comp. That's with Aviva. Anyone know who might provide a better deal?
  3. Hi. No the shocks that I have bought are from Toyota are just ordinary shocks. I looked at the source recommended by Picasso but after postage and import duty there was not much difference in the cost (£150 the pair) and with a Toyota garage you are unlikely to get a 'knock -off'. The MZ situation sounds very problematic but not as expensive as a Porsche etc
  4. My 2011 Alphard/Vellfire has just failed the MOT due to a leaking rear shock. Does anyone know the best place to get new shocks as it seems they have to be imported from Japan which takes 5 or 6 weeks ?
  5. Yes the matter is now resolved, thanks . The vehicle was returned to Algy motors in Southampton who carried out a fault code scan who suggested that the MAF was faulty , I replaced the MAF but this didn't improve matters. I then purchased a hookie copy of Techstream software and cable from Ebay for about £40, plugged it in and checked the balance of short term and long term fuel trims which indicated a vacuum leak somewhere, then used a water misting spray over the engine with it running to locate the vacuum leak which was tracked back to a vacuum hose on the air box - with that fixed and codes cleared everything now running 100%.
  6. Imported from Singapore through Algys . Interior and exterior very clean almost mint although the roof had been scraped and had to be resprayed. The speedo was changed by IVA at Southampton. I contacted the selling garage and the Singapore MOT people but both were unhelpful. They do not have a system of MOT mileage checks.
  7. Much appreciated Admin , I did have a look online for the scanner you suggested but it appears discontinued . Looking into the suitability of the following which is from the same manufacturer https://www.diagnostic-world.com/pages/list_of_all_auto_diagnostic_tools_273181-z=960089&p=131656.cfm#content_item_131656 No I don't have LPG , my gut instinct says its a faulty ABS sensor but only a scan will confirm one way or the other
  8. Thanks for the help , its a 2011 2.4 with approx 40K on it.
  9. Hi, Hoping someone can help. Currently experiencing intermittent dash warning lights and message check VSC system , comes on every journey after approx 10mins of driving. All local garages contacted so far have been unable to provide a fault code scan , I purchased a ODB scanner however this will not connect. Can anyone advise of a garage or a forum member local to the Bournemouth area who might be able to do a fault code scan? Many thanks, Bryn.
  10. I contacted Toyota as I've a 2.4 Alphard coming soon manufactured 2011. I also asked about fuel suitability for 3.0 and 3,5 engines .The official Toyota response is as follows... 'I understand you have a Japanese imported Toyota Alphard and would like to know if it will be compatible with E10 fuel. Toyota's official advice on Japanese imported vehicles is the following: If your car is an imported model that was not officially sold in European markets, we recommend staying on E5 by using super unleaded, which has a higher octane rating. This information can be found using the following Toyota FAQ webpage: https://mag.toyota.co.uk/e10-petrol-what-is-it-and-can-i-use-it/ We would suggest keeping an eye on the webpage for further updates and use E5 fuel in the super unleaded grade for your Toyota, which is available at petrol stations.
  11. Hi Alfie, I guess that you are going to convert your Alphard to a camper ? I'm considering doing the same myself - I've got an Alphard coming sometime in October/November. Are you doing DIY or going to a retailer such as Northstar ? Regards, Bryn
  12. Thanks Rojie, I've not yet received the Alphard as it's on it's way from Japan. A further complication is that with a 2011 car import is that it must be 10 years old before it can be officially registered in the UK earliest this can be done is 1/12/21. The cars coming to Southampton and Northstar are on the IOW. So it will depend on if the price is right or indeed a right rip off. We shall see.
  13. Does anyone know if you can fit a drivers swivel- as well as passenger ? If so do you know of a supplier? The seat are both electric, does this create a problem/ Alphard Gen2 2011 .
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