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Picasso last won the day on December 7

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About Picasso

  • Birthday 03/20/1970

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  • Name: lee
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 3.0 (02-08)
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  1. not just road tax the insurance has gone up
  2. I guess this been on the cards for a while i remember back during covid when they used to be called campers scotland then about christmas 2021 they called themselves campervanco it seems a lot of people have lost a lot of money thats terrible to find out this time of year. I wish everyone affected a good out come on this in the new year we are all keeping our fingers crossed for you .
  3. hello gordon i help lots of members on here i can find out if yours had camera fitted pm me your reg no. ifyou want
  4. hello craig i help lots of members on here with part no.s and pictures from look up system pm me your reg no.
  5. hello gregory i help a lots of memers on here with part no.s your oe no. for your brake master cylinder is 4720128660 check this link far cheaper than japeuro price https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005008184764491.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.679739f1Q36pWQ&algo_pvid=2fd00430-61c9-4cd4-9b87-4b27f9dee7ab&algo_exp_id=2fd00430-61c9-4cd4-9b87-4b27f9dee7ab-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!111.77!81.59!!!1000.63!730.44!%402103835e17341039121891711ec957!12000044153599737!sea!UK!191972601!X&curPageLogUid=rXqWlxozzu0M&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A if you ever need any part no.s just ask
  6. Nice alphard i agree with chris you realy need to change your front number plate to a square one you dealer should had known better than to fit that oblong one on the front may i ask who the dealer was .
  7. hello shawn it needs a good run get the engine hot pm me your reg no. will have a look if i can get you cat part no.
  8. Hello brian welcome no they not thatcham they just factory standard fitted imobiliser
  9. most mot failers on cats is down to emissions i have answered a few threads on here and sovled the issue for a few members this a cheap option to try and most of the time it works if your doing stop start journeys it wont do your cat good as it will clog up with soot once a month give it a good hard drive get it hot this will clear the cat .what i reconmend you do is go and buy a bottel of a good branded cat cleaner all you do is add it to your petrol tank put a full bottle in when you got a quarter tank of fuel then give it a good drive refill quarter a tank then put another bottle cat cleaner drive normally take it for your mot should pass on emissions . learn from this once a month put cat cleaner in your fuel i do every month .
  10. Welcome Jayn im sure one our memebers will be along soon to help you .
  11. may i ask why it failed on the cat is it emissions
  12. Hello phi you will be looking at buying a complete 2nd hand wing mirror the mirror glass is hard to get and when you can get them they nearly £100 back plate will be even harder to source look on ebay there are plenty wing mirrors on there about £150.00
  13. Hi what’s your reg no. Pm me it if you want help lots of members on here with part no.s
  14. They use pop in did mine 8 months ago when some idiot knocked it off
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