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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

Scott Burton

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Everything posted by Scott Burton

  1. I have an Alphard which has a Prins LPG system. Everything was fine until a few months ago when it started to run rough and then cutting out. I contacted my garage who said it was due to poor quality LPG and they’d asked other customers to contact Mike.Chapman@liquidgasuk.org to log our concerns. The HSE are investigating and until then I need to run on petrol. Frustrating and costly. People will be filing for compensation. I’m based in the West Midlands.
  2. We would definitely like to attend this to meet other owners and see their Alphards and Vellfires. We would be happy to join a convoy if that’s what’s organised. Hope this comes off and thank you for offering to organise this.
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