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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by SupaDave

  1. Hi all, anybody installed a swivel seat base for the front passenger seat? I have the CPU & hard drive under my passenger seat & wondered if this was gonna be a problem.
  2. I have a 2006 V6 G model. The middle row of seats have the Isofix label on. The passenger front & back row seats don't. These are high end luxury 8 seater vehicles...if they didn't have child seat options they could kiss goodbye to a huge section of the market. I would do a quick search on this however because some child seats seem to fit & some don't...you might want to check if yours does. There are posts on some forums regarding this.
  3. Cheers Monksey...I've only just seen this (bit late I know..). There's a whole lot going on there I'm not sure about - I might have to rethink my plans.
  4. I've done a basic conversion but over the years & the last few trips I've realised I have so much overhead unused space. I've thought of all alternatives but always arrive back at the "if only I had something to screw in to..." situation. If I could see one stripped I'd know if it was worth it or not.
  5. Hi all, has anybody completely stripped the rear of their Alphard? I have a 2006 & I'm looking to convert the back and was wondering if there's plenty of struts & metalwork to screw into...especially the roof. I'm particularly interested in what's behind the roof lining but don't fancy removing it just on the off chance. I have twin sunroofs btw.
  6. I had my belt/chain done at Gastech in Warrington, Alphard specialists. Asked them to do the water pump at the same time & they said no need - they are pretty bullet proof on the Alphard. My local mechanic also did my rocker cover gaskets & he does my servicing. Had a Prins LPG conversion done when I got it (just before the fuel prices went silly) and I now pay 70p a litre for lpg. Got my money back in about 18 months as I do a few road trips to the Alps. I can't recommend the Alphards enough, they're awesome things. Then again you could always pay through the nose for a high milage VW like the rest of the sheep.
  7. Anyone have a grab handle on the front driver's side? Mine doesn't unfortunately & I'm wondering if there will be some screw holes underneath the lining because I'm sure I've seen them on photos. I don't need it to get in & out but it would be great to use as pole support for some hanging storage when I'm parked up. I should add that I'm talking about the roof handle & not the pillar handle (I have one of those).
  8. Awesome....I don't know any better either - have you any update on this? Any links to the kettle? I've just forced an adapter in (stupid covers don't open up far enough) and got my laptop working. I expect laptops, cameras, phones etc will be fine but a kettle..? This could be a game changer - have you tried anything else?
  9. Oh right...all I can suggest now then is to get google lens on your phone & point it at the unit to translate everything & just go through the menus until you find the right settings. Mine was in with the volume controls but it was a button on the screen that found it eventually. It's a bit tedious but eventually you should find everything. I changed the screen colour, brightness, contrast...chinese chattering lady...found record & delete settings for the hard drive, camera settings, lane settings & everything. It was a combination of touch screen, physical buttons & the drive mode on the steering wheel. Hope that helps.
  10. Jenny I should've mentioned...this is my head unit, is yours the same?
  11. The 'lady chattering away' can be turned down or muted. Quick & easy. Message me if you want to do it. Also when you disconnect the battery it seems to reset everything....I had no audio whatsoever but once I replaced my old battery everything was fine. It's a great system I don't know why anybody would want to replace it.
  12. The bandwith doesn't go above anything other than radio 2 on Jap imports I'm afraid. You could get a bandwidth expander or just connect your phone via bluetooth & play radio stations from all over the world via your data. I've deleted all my hard drive & G book stuff. Can't fully remember how I did it but it was fairly easy with google lens on my phone. If you want to message me I can go through it again for you.
  13. Nov I've done this & it had the same effect as just pressing it once...should anything happen after 5 secs - ie noises, clicks or anything flashing on the dash? Do I have to do this before every journey? I'm puzzled here...am I just being a thick tit?
  14. Jesus what a gumby...I thought this was for the windows..🙄 cheers!
  15. Which door unlock button? On the door, dash or remote? Does this work for the side doors too?
  16. Hi mate, bit late to the party I know but did you manage to sort this problem?
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